View Full Version : Congrads to Neal Addy

Randy Privett
10-22-2007, 4:49 PM

Congrads for getting the front page of WOW. Great job.


Bernie Weishapl
10-22-2007, 4:54 PM
Congrats Neal. Well deserved.

Steve Schlumpf
10-22-2007, 5:02 PM
Congrats Neal!!! Hope to one day turn something as nice as that! Beautiful work!

Benjamin Dahl
10-22-2007, 6:19 PM
Workers Of the World? I thought they stopped publishing that with the fall of the Berlin Wall. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/images/icons/icon12.gif
Seriously, though, what does it stand for and where can I see it?
Thanks, Ben

Brodie Brickey
10-22-2007, 7:50 PM
Seriously, though, what does it stand for and where can I see it?
Thanks, Ben

World of Woodturners (www.thewows.com)