View Full Version : Just a lil rant....

Bonnie Campbell
10-22-2007, 12:39 PM
I know I'll be saving up my money to replace my palmgren. Today the quill was frozen up. So, called the company. "Oh, parts number 61 & 62 must of come loose...." I go and tear it apart. How in the world they think them two parts are going to come apart is beyond me! All together, and still frozen..... Fortunately they didn't ask for the other tail stock that the lock down lever busted on. I was able to cannibalize that for the old quill (which I might add works better than the replacement EVER did).

Okay, I'm done.... until the next breakage or freeze up..... maybe....

Glenn Hodges
10-22-2007, 12:44 PM
Bonnie, it sounds like the old saying, "You get what you pay for." Sorry you are having these problems with this lathe. Turning is so much better on a really trouble free lathe. I am about to buy a new fly rod to replace a really cheap one, so the old saying is true for about everything I guess. Good luck when you buy another one.

Paul Engle
10-22-2007, 12:59 PM
Bonnie ..... breath in thru the nose deep breath ... out thru the mouth , repeat as needed ....:D

Dennis Peacock
10-22-2007, 1:51 PM
Two words Bonnie......Mustard Machine :D

Seriously, I hope it all works out for ya. I hate having WW'ing machine troubles...good thing they are relatively simple machines to work on or I'd be in real big trouble. ;)

Brodie Brickey
10-22-2007, 1:53 PM
Take a deep breath....
Scrunch your shoulders up to you neck...
Hold it....Tighter...
And release.
And breathe out.

Shake out your hands...
Visualize the bad mojo being thrown out of you fingertips.

Repeat as needed until you can buy the lathe your saving up for :D.

Neal Addy
10-22-2007, 2:22 PM
Bonnie, if it makes you feel any better you are welcome to blame me. I distinctly remember you posting a question about Palmgren on another forum and I tentatively replied about it looking interesting (you couldn't see my raised eyebrow at the time).

So just blame me for not outright discouraging you. As the LOML has taught me, most everything is my fault anyway! :D

Bonnie Campbell
10-22-2007, 3:49 PM
No, I don't blame anyone besides myself on this deal (and palmgren) I'd called the company and asked all kinds of questions..... unfortunately their hopes for their lathe are higher than the manufacturing quality. I guess I can understand now why they decided to drop their own line (what I heard). I wouldn't want my real name on such a low quality product either....

If anyone with 'pull' at Palmgren sees this, you're more than welcome to call to hear me complain. My info is on your computers with my complaints......

Bernie Weishapl
10-22-2007, 4:52 PM
Bonnie sorry to hear about your problems. I guess I must be the only one with the C-man (Palmgren) lathe that isn't having a problem. My first head went south about 3 weeks after I bought it a year ago last March. It didn't have a model or serial # and palmgren thought I got a returned unit. So they overnighted me a new C-man head. I have had it now for well over a year and it hasn't given me a problem since. After reading all the threads on here I have just been waiting for it to go south.

Of course the LOML must have put a hex or spell on it cause I told her when it goes a mustard colored one will take its place.:D :cool: ;) :rolleyes: She looked at one at Woodcraft while we were there Sunday with a price tag of $2800 on it, she just rolled her eyes.:p

Bobby Perry
10-22-2007, 5:59 PM
Just a little information for you Bonnie. First thing if you bought the lathe through Amazon like I did you are not supposed to even be talking direct to Palmgren. They get very upset when they find out you have talked direct to Palmgren. Everything is supposed to go through Amazon. But you can never get a person to talk to at Amazon. You can get a complete refund from them. I think . Mine has been approved for 3 weeks now by Palmgren and Amazon. But still haven't got it. Amazon will try everything in the world to keep you from getting it.

I do have 2 extra headstocks both brand new sitting in my shop. I have the box for one but not the other. One is a Palmgren and the other is a Craftsman.

Gregg Feldstone
11-20-2007, 3:52 AM
Bob, what are you going to do with your extra headstocks after your lathe is returned. Mine is still working fine but I think it might be a good idea to have a new headstock ready if/when mine breaks. Interested in selling it??

Bobby Perry
11-20-2007, 3:03 PM
Just a quick update. I got my full refund from Amazon.