View Full Version : Versa-Mount

Tom Bucanan
10-21-2007, 9:27 AM
Has anyone used the Oneway Versa Mount Faceplates? They definitely could cut out alot of the time it take to mount a blank when rough turning as you could get many of the faceplate rings for alot cheaper than alot of normal faceplates. Can these be used on large blanks (16-20")? Are they safe?

Jim Becker
10-21-2007, 9:39 AM
The Versa Mount is similar to a system I've had for years from Reid Manufacturing, although the OneWay product is more refined. (And more expensive...)

I suspect I'd be more comfortable using a traditional heavy face plate for very large turnings, especially those that require lag bolts to hold in place.

Tom Bucanan
10-22-2007, 1:58 PM
I tried to post the same question on the Oneway forum and I still haven't gotten a response. So no one has used this new system? I guess I'll just stick to normal faceplates.

Bill Fleming
10-22-2007, 11:51 PM
I have heard great things about Versa Mount and have a MiniMax lathe with a 30x3.5 spindle and have been considering this since I can get an adapter to fit my lathe and when I upgrade to a Robust can either just get the new adapter and everything else will work fine.