View Full Version : Somewhat a newbie?!

Randy Moore
02-07-2004, 7:54 AM
I have been readin or snooping aroundhere for about 3 months.

I figured that it was time to say somethin' or get out of here. My name is Randy Moore, live in Olathe Ks. I did WW in Jr H.S. and then for some reason got into women and whiskey. I am a sheet metal worker during the day. I just started WW again after my Dad passed in June of '03. I got the shop with the execption of the Drill Press, Lathe(Early '60s model) and his thickness planer(Shopsmith).

I got a thickness Planer for Christmas. Dewalt 734, very happy with it. Would have liked the 735 but you don't complaim when someone gives you something.

I am making little odds and ends right now but when I get something I will post pics.

Thanks for reading and I will be posting ideas and getting llots of good info from you all.

Waymon Campbell
02-07-2004, 7:58 AM
Randy - Welcome to the 'Creek. Sorry to hear about your dad passing. I lost mine a couple of years ago.

Looking forward to seeing some project pix from ya!


Jason Tuinstra
02-07-2004, 8:07 AM
Randy, welcome to SMC. There is a wealth of wisdom here, as you've probably already seen. As an extra bonus, you’re also getting a barrel of laughs - I'm sure Tyler will have some whimsical comment up and coming. Anyway, glad you’re here and I look forward to seeing some of those post-high projects. Jason

Todd Burch
02-07-2004, 8:07 AM
Welcome Randy!

Tyler Howell
02-07-2004, 8:35 AM
[/QUOTE] I did WW in Jr H.S. and then for some reason got into women and whiskey.

Welcome Randy,
You made the right WW choices! Whiskey, Women, and Wood Working.
They are all very expensive, dangerous and a challenge that will keep you guessing for a life time.;)

Great folks here.

John Miliunas
02-07-2004, 9:45 AM
Glad you decided to jump into the Creek, Randy! Fun place to hang. Great folks, great info and truly an asset to the WW community. Come often, stay long! :cool:

PS: As for WW....I started doing some research and read a lot about how bad the whiskey and women and smoking and carousing is for you. Well, I finally decided enough is enough. Time to quit reading reading! :D