View Full Version : Grinder Tool Rest

Don Hein
10-19-2007, 2:03 AM
Is anyone using the Versa-Rest tool rest on their grinder? I'd be interested to hear of folks' experience with this, or with other similar aftermarket tool rests for grinders.

Tim Dorcas
10-19-2007, 7:42 PM
I want to say that any rest is better than the tool rest that comes with a grinder. I bought the Veritas Grinding Jig which looks very similar. This tool made all the difference in terms of being able to accurately grind my tools. I would imagine the Versa-Rest would do the same. I have a little write up on my site about the Veritas Grinding Jig. Perhaps that will help with your decision.


Jerry Allen
01-20-2008, 12:01 PM
In case anyone is interested in the Versa-Rest, Craft Supply USA's Apprentice Tool Rest, or the Veritas, I posted a thread over on the Turner's forum which may be of interest to you:
(Scroll down to Tool Rest)

Brian Dormer
01-20-2008, 4:38 PM
I read a review of grinder tool rests on FWW - they liked the veritas the best. The one you are indicating was reviewed - they liked that it was similar to the veritas, but had the additional feature that it was mounted on track that could easily be removed from the grinder. The downside was that it's cheaply made and they had trouble getting it square to the wheel. I think they had to "bend it" to make it fit :eek: !


Jerry Allen
01-21-2008, 7:36 AM
The tool rest you are talking about is the Versa-Rest at Highland.
The one I was talking about is the Apprentice Tool Rest at CSUSA.
It is very similar to the Versa-Rest, but the side arms are much beefier and it has ratchet locks instead of knobs, like the Veritas.
I had no trouble aligning it.
The Versa-Rest side arms look too skimpy and I could see where they might bend and not hold tight.