View Full Version : woodturners cataloge a new chuck??

Les Kuesel
10-18-2007, 4:38 PM
Yesterday I recieve a new wood turners catalog from www.woodturnerscatalog.com (http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com). I'm looking at getting a chuck. I see they have one called the apprentice chuck from the appretice series. Does anyone have one of these and how do you rate it? To me it looks like the Barracuda and it include's 4 sets of jaws. Also if you don't recieve this catalog you should, its one of the best ones I have seen. It really has alot of nice stuff for us turners. Any good or bad about this company?

Pat Doble
10-18-2007, 4:53 PM
I've had nothing but great service from them. I got my catalog yesterday, but haven't had a chance to crack it open yet.

Not sure about the Apprentice chuck, but I do have a Barracuda2 from PSI and have been pleased with it so far. I bought it early in my turning days (before I realized that it really didn't matter what I spent or saved, I would just keep spending:confused: - that was a workshop addition and lots of $$$ ago :D :D ).

Bernie Weishapl
10-18-2007, 5:12 PM
I have one of the apprentice chucks and it works just fine. So far it has been a good chuck and have had it over a year.

Ron McKinley
10-18-2007, 7:42 PM
One of the fellows at Craft Supplies told me the Apprentice is the same as the Barracuda. I've had the Apprentice for two years and I've used all the different sets of jaws for something. Very handy--and cheap......Ron

Marvin Hasenak
10-19-2007, 12:57 AM
Looks like all they did was change the name from Barracuda2 to Apprentice. It looks identical. I have the Barracuda version and I believe it is a bargain and worth every penny and more. Haven't tried them but I was told the mini Barracuda chuck's jaws fit the Barracuda2 and vice versa.


Bob Hallowell
10-19-2007, 8:10 AM
Les I use the barracuda 2 almost every time I turn. it works great. Don't be afraid to try it if your budget is tight like mine was.


Ryan Lipski
10-19-2007, 1:38 PM
Looks like the one they have for sale at woodcraft in their new flyer (http://www.woodcraft.com/retailnewsletter.aspx?refcode=75IN10RL) , although I think it is sold in pieces...

chuck link (http://www.woodcraft.com/family.aspx?familyid=20042&mode=details#tabs)

Ben Gastfriend
10-20-2007, 9:42 AM
I've had nothing but good service with Craft Supplies USA. I've ordered quite a few pen kits and tools from them, and they've always had some of the best prices, shipping costs, and service. No affiliation.


Jeff Cremers
10-22-2007, 10:45 AM
Ok I'm on a budget because of to many expensive hobbies so I'm sold on this chuck. Maybe down the road a year or two or three I will get a stronghold but for now I think this one will do.


But my question is which one should I get?
I have a Jet 1236 and have no experience with bowls or Hf's. Heck I only have about 15 pens under my belt.
Should I get the face plate for finishing the bottom?
what extra jaws should I get as well.

My goal is to get an all around chuck

should I get the Apprentice chuck for around the same price. If so How do I finish the bottom of the bowl?

Thanks in advance for all my silly questions

Mike Golka
10-22-2007, 11:07 AM
I have one of these: http://busybeetools.ca/cgi-bin/picture10?&NETID=1057241022071592801&NTITEM=B2545

It seems to work just fine although I haven't had it for more than a couple of weeks.