View Full Version : Looking for images or books for trim designs...

David Eisan
10-17-2007, 8:59 PM
Hello everyone,

I have an entire house to trim and there is no way I am doing MDF picture frames around my windows, or crappy MDF baseboard.

I will be trimming my house with cherry. I like some of the designs I see in older homes in with real wood trim, but I don't care to visit 20 open houses to find the design/layout I want.

I have tried all kinds of Google web and image searches and I cannot find much.

Can anyone give me some specific search terms, web sites or books that show many various real wood trim styles?

Thank you,


Every Neighbourhood has one, in Mine I'm Him.

Chet Kagel
10-17-2007, 9:08 PM
I can recommend the book: "New Decorating with Architectural Trimwork" by Jay Silber published by Creative Homeowner (www.creativehomeowner.com) ISBN: 1-58011-181-5. It consists mostly of pictures and some diagrams showing how the trim was built up.

Good luck! :rolleyes:

Jim Kountz
10-17-2007, 9:27 PM
Excellent choice there Chet, there are others in that same series. Check out Amazon, do a search for the book Chet recommended and they will then give you plenty of other choices too.

jud dinsmore
10-17-2007, 9:28 PM

try windsorone.com - or - google windsor one moldings. they're a specility molding company on the west coast. they've got a pretty detailed web site and will send you literature with detailed specs on all of the different trim pieces they offer. they've got a couple of different "series/styles" of trim complete with casing, base, crown, and chair rail. there's no distribution for them in our area but i had our local millworks put together similar knives to closely match their classic craftsman trim series. it was definately labor intensive putting together nine pieces per side for door casings (vs. the typical three) but the results are awesome. you might also go to your local barnes and nobles and flip through the pages of home idea/decorating books. taunton press produces great picture books and, while i think only one is about trim, you can still get trim ideas from their other books.

good luck,


Quinn McCarthy
10-17-2007, 10:24 PM

There is a web site where I go to get ideas for knives for my moulding machine. They design profiles for the moulding industry.

Here it is


Hope that helps.


Trace Beard
10-20-2007, 1:37 PM
Try this link. http://www.hullhistorical.com/ The book is $20 or so and I've found it to be a valuable resource.
Good examples of historically accurate mill work.

Randal Stevenson
10-20-2007, 2:56 PM
Hello everyone,

I have an entire house to trim and there is no way I am doing MDF picture frames around my windows, or crappy MDF baseboard.

I will be trimming my house with cherry. I like some of the designs I see in older homes in with real wood trim, but I don't care to visit 20 open houses to find the design/layout I want.

I have tried all kinds of Google web and image searches and I cannot find much.

Can anyone give me some specific search terms, web sites or books that show many various real wood trim styles?

Thank you,


Every Neighbourhood has one, in Mine I'm Him.

Do you know what style of house you saw that you liked the trim in? House styles, such as Craftsman have different trim styles then something like a Victorian.