View Full Version : Now I've done it.

Rick Gibson
10-17-2007, 4:08 PM
Picked up the delta midi lathe at the Sears catalogue store last night just as they were closing. Got is set up and turned my first pen this afternoon. Considering I haven't touched a lathe in 45 years since high school I'm happy. Used some pieces of honey locust that the neighbor had cut down a couple years ago.
Will have to get some larger cutters though. The ones that came with it are micro tools. Good for pens and small stuff but thats about all.
Since it's a $600 pen the wife has already claimed it.

Paul Engle
10-17-2007, 4:31 PM
Nice work Rick, welcome back into the vortex .... one thing tho .... make sure she pays in cash, the LOML keeps doin that to me on turnings and f.....t work and I swear she owes me about a new corvette's worth ....:D

Neal Addy
10-17-2007, 4:43 PM
You haven't lost your touch after 45 years. That's a beauty!

Welcome back to the abyss.

Jon Lanier
10-17-2007, 5:43 PM
Very nice, looks like quite a few of us "old newbies" are coming back from out into the force. Kinda like Obi-won, when Luke finds him. :rolleyes:

Bernie Weishapl
10-17-2007, 10:28 PM
Rick congrats all the way around. New lathe, new tools, making pens and back into the black hole of turning. Pen looks great Rick. Haven't lost your touch.

Stephen Beckham
10-17-2007, 10:50 PM
Rick - I kicked a box in the barn yesterday and looked to see what it was...

It is the extension bed for my Delta Midi... Still in the box... If you ever want to stretch your pens a bit - give me a shout...


Larry Marley
10-18-2007, 12:09 AM
That's a pretty nice first project Rick!

Rick Gibson
10-18-2007, 9:12 AM
Thanks for the comments.. Fallen into the black hole of turning is right. Made 2 more cigar pens yesterday. Guess what everyone is getting for Christmas this year.