View Full Version : Why there are no fine woodworkers in Iraq

dave barnhart
10-16-2007, 2:01 PM
There are a number of reasons I cannot find any fine woodworking brethren in Iraq, but I think this picture sums it up.

John Gornall
10-16-2007, 2:05 PM
If you saw into one of those trees what's inside? Perhaps the bend would make interesting turning.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-16-2007, 2:22 PM
Looks like a opportunity to use an epoxy cocktail!

Glenn Clabo
10-16-2007, 2:28 PM
Dave...if you and I walked past this tree...I'd have something to say that is not appropriate for this family forum.

(p.s.- From a parent of one who visits the sandbox...thank you)

Nelson Bradley
10-16-2007, 4:31 PM
It's even more disturbing when you have to cross a large canal with 90 pounds of gear on a bridge made from that tree. That being said, I never saw any true craftsmanship when I was there... well, aside from IED's

Stay Safe.

Bill Brehme
10-16-2007, 4:43 PM
If you saw into one of those trees what's inside?
I imagine it would look like the inside of a tomatoe.:D

Jameel Abraham
10-16-2007, 6:24 PM
It's even more disturbing when you have to cross a large canal with 90 pounds of gear on a bridge made from that tree. That being said, I never saw any true craftsmanship when I was there... well, aside from IED's

Stay Safe.

Here is a true craftsman (actually several) at work in Iraq. He's a lute-maker. I think his work is beautiful.

Bob Childress
10-16-2007, 6:30 PM
Which just reinforces what I have always thought. If all the true WWers of the world could get together, that would be the end of the nonsense. But so far, no one will allow it. :mad: And so it goes.

Jameel Abraham
10-16-2007, 6:34 PM
Can you imagine something so nice coming out of such a messy shop?

Reminds me of an article from Fine Woodworking showing the work of craftsmen from I think Yemen or the UAE. They were producing elegant carved work with #4 bench planes and other tools that are not usually associated with certain uses. I don't have that issue anymore but it was interesting.

Randal Stevenson
10-16-2007, 6:37 PM
Isn't that the wood they used to make bows out of? U (yew)

Dewayne Reding
10-16-2007, 6:39 PM
IMO craftmanship was rare in any trade in the region. This is the same place where people run electricity straight off the pole and into the house. We don't need no stinkin fuse panel. :eek:

Gary Keedwell
10-16-2007, 7:09 PM
Here is a true craftsman (actually several) at work in Iraq. He's a lute-maker. I think his work is beautiful.
Did I see a Festool on the shelf in the back?:rolleyes:

Bill Brehme
10-16-2007, 8:41 PM
Did I see a Festool on the shelf in the back?:rolleyes:

Yep, that lute is Dominoed together!;)

Either that or the Festool images are still burned in the back of my orbital lobe from staring at the ads...

John Renzetti
10-16-2007, 11:27 PM
Hi Dave, I'm sure there's still some craftsmen hidden away in the region, turning out products like Jameel pointed out. Years ago when I was working in West Africa I was amazed at the stuff some of these guys could produce with very rudimentary tools. Everything just took a lot longer.
Keep your head down.
take care,
John (also in the sandbox)

Jim Andrew
10-16-2007, 11:37 PM
Thank you veterans for your service. Jim

Bob Childress
10-17-2007, 11:58 AM
Did I see a Festool on the shelf in the back?:rolleyes:

Yeah, but no electricity. It's one of the hand-cranked ones. :D :D

dave barnhart
10-17-2007, 11:58 AM
All I get to see are 'contractors' and city engineers now. Quality craftsmanship is not in their lexicon. It is hard for them to use inferior materials since that is what they start with.

Dave Anderson NH
10-17-2007, 2:10 PM
Just as a point of information for folks, palms are not trees. Taxonomically, palms are members of the grass family.

You guys can keep your sandbox, at least back in my days as grunt in the jungle and the rice paddies you didn't have to go thirsty. I apreciate your sacrifices folks.

John, what's a wing wiper like you doing over there. Aren't you a bit long in the tooth for the games?

Tyler Howell
10-17-2007, 2:50 PM
Thanks Dave,
Appreciate your service

Eric Gustafson
10-17-2007, 2:53 PM
Thanks Dave,
Appreciate your service

I second that! You guys and gals are my heros.

John Renzetti
10-17-2007, 10:15 PM
Just as a point of information for folks, palms are not trees. Taxonomically, palms are members of the grass family.

You guys can keep your sandbox, at least back in my days as grunt in the jungle and the rice paddies you didn't have to go thirsty. I apreciate your sacrifices folks.

John, what's a wing wiper like you doing over there. Aren't you a bit long in the tooth for the games?

hi Dave, Way to mess up a good thread with the facts about palm trees or grasses. :)
You're right I'm probably getting a bit old for this stuff. Still don't need a walker to get into the cockpit. I do wave to Dave as I fly over his location from about FL250. Nice thing is when I do finally retire, I'll get Social Security at the same time. I'll probably need both checks as I'm building up a lot of unmet demand for tools that won't be satisfied for another few months.
Some of the other guys in the Det are from NH. Great folks.
take care,

Pete Brown
10-18-2007, 9:09 AM
Did I see a Festool on the shelf in the back?:rolleyes:

You made me look! :)


Mark Rios
10-18-2007, 10:06 AM
I think that the reason that there are no woodworkers in Iraq (Jameel's posts not withstanding) is because almost all of the wood is probably in teeeeny tiny pieces.....................:D