View Full Version : Cabinet hinges

Rick Beko
10-15-2007, 11:01 AM
I am building a pantry/cabinet with inset doors and in some sections behind the doors will be drawers. What kind of blum hinges can I use so the doors open up enough so they do not interfere with the drawers opening?

Jamie Buxton
10-15-2007, 11:10 AM
Blum has a line they call the zero protrusion. It is set up so that the door pivots completely out of the way. However, the mounting plate still sticks into the cabinet airspace, so it doesn't completely clear everything out. http://wwhardware.com/catalog.cfm/GroupID/Cabinet%20Hinges/CatID/Cabinet%20Hinges%2C%20Blum%26%23174%3B%20Concealed/SubCatID/Zero%20Protrusion

The usual way to handle the problem is to mount the drawer slides on standoffs the hinge side. Then they clear the mounting plate, and the open door. You can make your own -- just two strips of wood running vertically up the inside of the cabinet -- or you can buy products sold by the slide manufacturers, for instance http://wwhardware.com/catalog.cfm/GroupID/Cabinet%20Drawer%20Slides/CatID/Slide%20Accessories/SubCatID/Drawer%20Spacers

frank shic
10-15-2007, 11:25 AM
i've used the zero protrusion hinges in the past but i don't believe that they work on INSET doors. they are extremely BEEFY however! i didn't want to have the additional toil of "bumping out" the drawer slides for the pull-outs. BTW rick, pay special attention to the drawer location as the hinges can often interfere with them if you're not careful.

David Duke
10-15-2007, 11:36 AM

Make sure and allow for the mounting plate protrusion or you will be having to build new drawer boxes DAMHIKT!!!!!

Glen Surwillo
10-15-2007, 2:58 PM
I used the 120 degree ones from blum. I had to bump out from the hinge plate though so the drawers could pass the hinge plates.



Hope this helps.



glenn bradley
10-15-2007, 3:04 PM
If you don't want to bump out the drawer glides on the hinge side, you can jockey hinge placement and drawer height so that the hinge protrusion is between drawers. This doesn't always work out depending on planned use/height of the drawers. In either case these are a nice touch for any drawer passing by an opened door:
