View Full Version : Grinders - again

Steve Retherford
10-14-2007, 6:40 PM
Hello all, I'm new to the forum. I'll be ordering my lathe next week and will have some time to get set up before it's arrival. I would like opinions on grinder manufactures. Specifically, is a Baldor worth the additional expense over some of the others available? The local retail tool store sells a variety, but I would like an unbiased opinion. Thanks in advance. Steve.

Ron McKinley
10-14-2007, 7:55 PM
From what I've heard the Baldor is top of the line. If you get a Chinese Rice Grinder like most of us have get an 8" slow speed. Then get the Oneway Wheel Balance kit and you can turn that rice grinder into a precision sharpening machine....Ron

Bernie Weishapl
10-14-2007, 8:17 PM
I have the 8" slow speed grinder from Woodcraft that comes with the good wheels with the oneway sharpening jig. Guess I was lucky as I didn't need the balancing kit. Got mine for $74 on sale.

Richard Madison
10-14-2007, 8:54 PM
Good advice above. Suggest a T-shape diamond dressing tool (~$15) and/or a wheel type dressing tool before buying the fancy balancing kit. Waste of time to balance the wheel if it isn't round first. Bought first grinder ~35 years ago, still in almost daily use, and have not had a wheel that could not be balanced by just dressing it. Other side of that is that I have not "used up" a bunch of different wheels, so maybe have just been lucky.