View Full Version : My Web site

Paul Engle
10-14-2007, 6:23 PM
Hey ya'll,
just a quick note, I got the edit work on my web site done today, it is not fancy and not polished but It is a start , who do I talk to about puting SMC link on it and I would like to list the competition but .... NOT:eek:.
I may in the future post my pic's there for the creek and the tutorial for the pipe collet. Take a look, don't beat me up too bad but suggestions to improve are always welcome and in my case ( :o ) needed ( or so says LOML)
Thanks Paul

Keith Outten
10-14-2007, 6:58 PM

Go to your UserCP and add your web link there.

Jon Lanier
10-14-2007, 7:54 PM
Looks good, although I kept trying to enlarge the pictures on the first page. :cool:

Bernie Weishapl
10-14-2007, 8:20 PM
Looking good Paul.

Paul Engle
10-14-2007, 9:12 PM
Thanks guys, I fixed the pic's they should enlarge to full size now. I put the url in User CP so the link is on my info page .

Barbara Gill
10-15-2007, 7:40 AM
Hey ya'll,
just a quick note, I got the edit work on my web site done today, it is not fancy and not polished but It is a start , who do I talk to about puting SMC link on it and I would like to list the competition but .... NOT:eek:.

Paul, I hope you are kidding about other woodworking/turning forums being competition. Each one has something different to offer. Not taking advantage of multiple forums is really limiting oneself.

Paul Engle
10-15-2007, 10:01 AM
It was pointed out to me,again, but that line (("I would like to list the competition but .... NOT"))was for posting other commerical web sites with product for sale, not forums like SMC and others , I am all for promoting our forum and any others that may benifit from sharing information. The LOML asked me if I was going to post links to other sites with items for sale ... well ... no. Not unless it was a mutual posting with agreements.

Barbara Gill
10-15-2007, 10:08 AM
I am glad I misunderstood. On my site I do link to other woodturners who sell their work and they to mine. It doesn't seem to hurt sales for any of us.:)

Raymond Overman
10-15-2007, 4:06 PM

It's a good start with general information about your wood turning, pictures, and a few prices. One thing that I see as a potential problem throughout the site is the use of the word our. Unless everyone in the family, including the dog, is part of the turning process I think you need to re-evaluate the way you're presenting your work.

I appreciate the support I get from my family but I'm the one that produces the product and it's my artistry that brings the collector in. I would suggest using the word I instead of our and write your website copy more in the first person. You want people to be able to identify your work as a personal thing, not as a piece that was made by a co-op or family.

Also, more pictures, less copy is always good when it comes to art websites. I keep my gallery site as clean and streamlined as possible. I get wordy on my blog where other woodturners spend some time. Separate your markets, other woodturners probably aren't your purchasing demographic for your turnings and if they are, they'll understand going to another site to read your advice.

Just my two cents. I've been through my share of personal website re-evaluations myself and even though I don't get a lot of commercial hits on my gallery site or comments on my blog, I see around 1000 people a month roll through between the two.

It sure would be nice if 1% of them would buy something but I assume most of them are other woodturners and that's ok too. :cool: Good luck.