View Full Version : Corel Font Question (Spanish U)

Bob Kline
10-14-2007, 10:21 AM
I know this is simple but I'm stumped. I need to print a lower case "u" with an apostrophe type of line over it but I forget where these are in Corel. Help!

Curt Stallings
10-14-2007, 10:58 AM
Under Tools menu, click Insert Character.


John Frazee
10-14-2007, 12:24 PM
This thread reminds me of a customer that came in and I did some vinyl decals for him to go on some items he was making. With so many hispanics around he told me he would like to have some done in spanish but he didn't even know what their lettering looked like!:D

George Elston
10-14-2007, 5:06 PM
I'm the only gringo (yes it's a derisive term but being one I can use it) in my family, everyone else is Latino, so I end up doing a lot of work in Spanish. The easy way to get all the accented characters is install the US-international keyboard, in control panels go to Regional and language options, then keyboard and language options, in General click add, and add the US-international keyboard, you will then get a little keyboard in the task bar (bottom of screen) and you can change to international keyboard any time you need to. To put a tilde over an n to make it a ñ just type tilde and n, to put other accents just type the appropriate accent and the letter á, or ó etc.

I work in Vista :( , xp is a little different but basically the same.

Darren Null
10-15-2007, 8:46 AM
If you have your numberlock on (not so convenient on a laptop) then you can get any character from any program by holding down <ALT> and typing in a 3-figure code. ü, for example is <ALT> 129.

Here's a list of them for a UK keyboard- characters swap around some depending on which country keyboard you're using, but this ought to be quite close:

033. !
034. "
035. #
036. $
037. %
038. &
039. '
040. (
041. )
042. *
043. +
044. ,
045. -
046. .
047. /
048. 0
049. 1
050. 2
051. 3
052. 4
053. 5
054. 6
055. 7
056. 8
057. 9
058. :
059. ;
060. <
061. =
062. >
063. ?
064. @
065. A
066. B
067. C
068. D
069. E
070. F
071. G
072. H
073. I
074. J
075. K
076. L
077. M
078. N
079. O
080. P
081. Q
082. R
083. S
084. T
085. U
086. V
087. W
088. X
089. Y
090. Z
091. [
092. \
093. ]
094. ^
095. _
096. `
097. a
098. b
099. c
100. d
101. e
102. f
103. g
104. h
105. i
106. j
107. k
108. l
109. m
110. n
111. o
112. p
113. q
114. r
115. s
116. t
117. u
118. v
119. w
120. x
121. y
122. z
123. {
124. |
125. }
126. ~
128. Ç
129. ü
130. é
131. â
132. ä
133. à
134. å
135. ç
136. ê
137. ë
138. è
139. ï
140. î
141. ì
142. Ä
143. Å
144. É
145. æ
146. Æ
147. ô
148. ö
149. ò
150. û
151. ù
152. ÿ
153. Ö
154. Ü
155. ø
156. £
157. Ø
158. ×
159. ƒ
160. á
161. í
162. ó
163. ú
164. ñ
165. Ñ
166. ª
167. º
168. ¿
169. ®
170. ¬
171. ½
172. ¼
173. ¡
174. «
175. »
176. _
177. _
178. _
179. ¦
180. ¦
181. Á
182. Â
183. À
184. ©
185. ¦
186. ¦
187. +
188. +
189. ¢
190. ¥
191. +
192. +
193. -
194. -
195. +
196. -
197. +
198. ã
199. Ã
200. +
201. +
202. -
203. -
204. ¦
205. -
206. +
207. ¤
208. ð
209. Ð
210. Ê
211. Ë
212. È
213. i
214. Í
215. Î
216. Ï
217. +
218. +
219. _
220. _
221. ¦
222. Ì
223. _
224. Ó
225. ß
226. Ô
227. Ò
228. õ
229. Õ
230. µ
231. þ
232. Þ
233. Ú
234. Û
235. Ù
236. ý
237. Ý
238. ¯
239. ´
240. *
241. ±
242. _
243. ¾
244. ¶
245. §
246. ÷
247. ¸
248. °
249. ¨
250. ·
251. ¹
252. ³
253. ²
254. _

Bill Jermyn
10-15-2007, 2:52 PM
Here's a nice printable chart of the Alt codes