View Full Version : Yo-Yo's

Gary Garmar
10-13-2007, 10:06 AM
Anyone knokw of a guide or tutorial for turning a Yo-Yo , I need a little guidance for a youth turning class.

Randy Privett
10-13-2007, 12:04 PM
You might want to get with Ed Davidson, (YoYo Spin). I'm sure he would have something that would help you out. Just add the dot com to yoyospin and get with him


Curt Fuller
10-13-2007, 1:39 PM
You might check out the YOYO kits from craft supplies. I have a soninlaw that is pretty into the yoyo thing and I bought a couple of their ball bearing kits and helped him turn them. They aren't the professional grade like he does his tricks with but he said they made a pretty decent yoyo. We made them from the acrylic blanks too.

http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/store/Projects___Toys___Ball_Bearing_Yo_Yo___ball_bearin g_yo?Args=


Steve Trauthwein
10-14-2007, 6:53 AM

If you turn them llike the old duncan yoyo's of my youth, the ones that demonstrators brought around to school yards to sell, you will need accurate maple dowels for the axle and a gram scale to get balance on the two halves.

Bonnie Klein shows a fairly simple procedure in one of her books.

Good luck, Steve