View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
10-12-2007, 7:21 AM
Friday, October 12th, 2007


After a very unseasonably warm weekend we have had what could be described as typical autum weather. It's been very windy, overcast and cool. More of the same for the weekend.

I've been busy all week shuttling new vehicles from hither and yon. It's fun and I get to see places I might not otherwise see, as well as drive different new vehicles.

The weekend will be spent going through our storage unit, which contains all of my mom's stuff from her move in 2005. If it sounds like fun, feel free to join us. :D Oh yeah, I'll have to make time for the UW game, the Packers game and Saturday night, the Cup race from Charlotte.

So what's up with you this weekend? Fun, games, work, mischief? Let's hear about it so we know you're not just goofing off. :D

Enjoy and make it SAFE.


Tyler Howell
10-12-2007, 8:46 AM
Hey Karl,
In town this week. Long punch list and some shop time. Hope to get in the yard and start to winterize. :( I'm not ready.

Al Willits
10-12-2007, 8:57 AM
Just ordered the Sears DP on sale, so part of the weekend will be moving the parts washer out and the DP in...now what to do with the parts washer??? :)

Sat is assemble the car port for the boat, and make a railing for the front stairs.
Karl, I was all set to head north Sunday to help ya clean, but gotta work...well actually I don't gotta, but its hard to pass up double time, especially after buying a new DP..:)
Maybe next week......

Also I have a walleye tournament coming up the following week, so I need to buy more baits and a GPS chip for the boats GPS system, so I'll be off shopping this weekend.

Just signed up for a weekend seminar put on by our Minn woodworkers guild and its on cabinet making and joinery, considering the beastmaster looks at the bare kitchen walls, and then all the tools I've bought to make cabinets for her, then gives me the "LOOK" this seminar is coming at a perfect time.

Also got a new (well, used but new to me) hand plane fron Nic, and I'll post a picture when I get batteries for the camera, thanks Nic....checks in the mail...:)

Ya all have a safe and well weekend.


Jim Becker
10-12-2007, 9:09 AM
Good after-night, Karl!! :D

Lucky me, this weekend is my weekend "off" in the YMCA rotation with Professor Dr. SWMBO, so I'll have a little more time to do stuff, both in and out of the shop. I'll be continuing work on the linen cabinet for the new master bath in the addition and likely moving some rocks around with the big orange power tool. Speaking of which, all you folks in this area can blame me for all the rain this week...I took the mower deck off the Kubota last weekend. Silly me. (But we really did need the rain...)

Don Orr
10-12-2007, 9:54 AM
I'll be going to Totally Turning Symposium in Albany, NY all weekend. Should be fun. I got roped into doing a demo as one of the scheduled presenters had to cancel.

Ron Hedrick
10-12-2007, 10:21 AM
Will be putting together my new Crafstman DP, thanks Russ. Taking my 6 year old grandson to Lowes for a workshop to make a Fire Engine. That will be fun, and he is excited.

Larry Fox
10-12-2007, 10:56 AM
Anxiously awaiting a package from JoeWoodworker. Should it arrive today I will be putting togehter a vacuum press based on his design. Also will be putting the finishing touches on a small chess table that I am building.

Other than that, time with the kids.

Sean Troy
10-12-2007, 11:52 AM
Still watering the new lawn. LOL

Jamie Smith
10-12-2007, 12:13 PM
This weekend? Installing about 30 boxes of bruce hardwood flooring in my livingroom/dining room. I haven't done it before, but it should be pretty straightforward. I am going to rent a floor nailer from the borg, to use with my compressor. I only have 2 ~3' sections to feather in, and one part is already cut out and ready.

I plan to post pics when it is all done...

David Duke
10-12-2007, 12:29 PM
I'm off today so I've been cleaning the shop and this afternoon I'll be mowing.

Gotta go install a window seat unit for a bay window I've been working on Saturday, I pre-finished it so all all I have to do is make a form template for the bay cut it out and install pretty straight forward......I'll post pics this weekend.

Sunday I hope to deliver the altar (benches) I built for my BIL I'll get some pics of these this afternoon and try and get them posted.

Everyone have a great weekend, the weather is absolutely beautiful here actually feels like fall.

10-12-2007, 1:02 PM
I'm going to the Richmond Woodworks show this weekend. Probably Saturday morning. If you're there, look for me. I'll probably be wearing a Woodcentral hat (or Festool depending on what's in my truck).


Dennis Lindhorst
10-12-2007, 1:06 PM
I have to put a new water pump on my vehicle- luckily it should be pretty straight forward. I hope to finish two adirondack chairs with snow ski's for the backs and seats. Should be fun!

mark page
10-13-2007, 1:13 PM
Well an unusual weekend for this one. I have a 4 1/2 day weekend. This will be my actual calendar last weekend off as due to the new "job" have to work Sat's and Sun's. So last football weekend. Two fav teams still undefeated, the Pats and Colts. Local the Chumps, er Chiefs are lacking. Was planning to dig 400 sq ft of canna plants but raining cats and dogs this morning. Maybe will dry out before Wednesday. October Fest here in Smithville, but again raining so probably will not attend. Have some displays at the fest in a local shop, hopefully they may do good:confused: but with the rain not expecting much. Have the free time now to clean shop, finish a few non-completed projects. Have one daughter thats in college local and wants her own appartment, so may be looking at rental real estate Sun & Mon. Oil changes due on both vehicles, so a little auto prevent. maintenance for an hour. Lawn needs mowed I hope for the last time??? Basement storage area getting cluttered and full, so may clean out and toss/flea-bay everything not used or touched in the last six months. LOML complaining the 24 linear ft of walk-in closet hanging space has too many of my clothes I don't wear anymore and that my garments taking up too much room--I'm sure she has it in mind that I re-try-on everything of mine in there and goodwill everything that does not still fit me (which is probably 50% of all clothing I have). States since we married that I have gained 20lbs and is all in the waistline. Makes her mad that I say same for you too but all in the butt-line, lol. So in nutshell have lots of garden, yard, landscaping work scheduled but if keeps raining will have lots of free time. But then can visit wood shop at the new day job and drool all day long if get bored. Plus plenty of good info on making a new cross-cut sled on the creek lately, so this may be in order for the weekend too!.
Have a good and relaxing weekend everyone.

Jim Dunn
10-13-2007, 1:39 PM
Lumber run to our own Tom Sontag's. I tried to steal-er,um-buy some of his personal stock but he's got a big spider guarding it:)

glenn bradley
10-13-2007, 1:51 PM
Still working on the electrical. Getting soooo close.

glenn bradley
10-13-2007, 1:55 PM
Hey Karl,
In town this week. Long punch list and some shop time. Hope to get in the yard and start to winterize. :( I'm not ready.

I'm almost done with my winterizing. I went to the closet in the office and swapped my long sleeve shirts for my short sleeve shirts in the bedroom closet. Whew! Am I bushed. Of course the penalty for mild winters is having to chew your air all year long.

Tom Sontag
10-13-2007, 7:21 PM
Lumber run to our own Tom Sontag's. I tried to steal-er,um-buy some of his personal stock but he's got a big spider guarding it:)

Hey, at least I let you TOUCH a piece. Gary Hermann does not rate that!

It was good to see you and John today Jim. Good luck on the doors. Second thoughts makes me think you will need more wood to make all 5.

Ken Shoemaker
10-13-2007, 7:31 PM
YAwwwwnnn, Sttrettcchhhhh, Scratchhhh, Hummmm Preparing for hibernation.....:rolleyes:

Gary Herrmann
10-13-2007, 7:54 PM
Lumber run to our own Tom Sontag's. I tried to steal-er,um-buy some of his personal stock but he's got a big spider guarding it:)

Hey, at least I let you TOUCH a piece. Gary Hermann does not rate that!

It was good to see you and John today Jim. Good luck on the doors. Second thoughts makes me think you will need more wood to make all 5.

Dang Jim, I thought I killed that thing last time - they must work in shifts. Not very nice of Tom leaving that stuff lying around... taunting us...

Tom, that is the last time I help you restack a pile. I'm going to hang out down there all next weekend and loudly complain to the other customers that last week everything was a buck per foot.

Me - one armed yard work. Yippee.

Maybe I'll do something exciting like dress my grinding wheels. I'm getting so twitchy I may go down stairs and see if I can turn a pen one handed.

Jim O'Dell
10-13-2007, 8:04 PM
Puttered around on the computer this am, left around lunch time to take two of our dogs to the Celtic Festival over in Bedford at the Boys Ranch facility. They have a rescue area, and a parade for all Celtic breed dogs, led by a bagpiper. Pretty neat, and always a good crowd. Stopped by Woodcraft on the way and got 2 of their 5.00 dovetail bits that will work with the Incra Jig, (1/2" dia X 1/2" tall-1/2" shank, 14 degree. I will use these to learn on and make the drawers for the router table. Stopped by Harbor Freight and got 2 8" wood clamps to use on the Incra to hold the drawer material to the fence. Now its time to think about supper, and rest for the evening. Will work on cutting ply for the drawer sides tomorrow. May need to hit HD for some wood to make the interior pieces for the drawer slides to mount to. Still need to decide on what material to use on the remaining 3 sides of the RT base. Cowboy/Pat game at 3:00. Hope it's a good one. Jim.

Tom Sontag
10-14-2007, 1:58 AM
Tom, that is the last time I help you restack a pile....

Gee Gary, I thought I was helping YOU dig out the very best board in the stack. Funny how you got that totally wrong...

Hope you get better soon.

Doug Shepard
10-14-2007, 7:03 AM
Got the last 2 layered sections of my workbench top rough trimmed Friday. Took them out to a hardwood supplier Saturday and had them run through their wide belt sander and will be gluing those together today. Also got 8/4 purpleheart there yesterday to wrap the edges and for the end vise jaws. Just that little bit ran around $200 so the decision to make the central core from plywood looks even better. The sanding only ran me around $12 which was a bargain. It would have taken me most of a day to do it with belt and/or ROS sanders and still might not have been exactly flat. Took maybe 15 minutes on their big sander. Lost about 1/8" on each section so the total bench thickness after I glue these together will end up at 3-3/4" instead of 4", but no big deal.
Also squeezed in a Makita 7-1/4 CS purchase so I can trim the final glue-up square (something my Craftsman wasn't up to).
China got carted back and forth to the groomers Friday, and took her to a 20+ dog play session yesterday for a couple of hours. Met a nice bunch of folks and dogs, and China had a blast.
Today will be spent making a grocery run, then doing the final benchtop core glue-up. Then edge-jointing the purpleheart. They face jointed and planed it at the supplier. I didn't have a wide enough jointer for the end-vise jaws and having them do the narrower stuff too saved me a bunch of time for very little extra cost ($15). After that a few hours of shop and house cleanup is in order.

Doug Shepard
10-14-2007, 9:01 PM
Baking in the clamps

The top looks good after the wide belt sanding