View Full Version : Need help selecting a sealer.

Dave Falkenstein
10-09-2007, 12:41 PM
I am doing a project for a client. The client wants barn wood used to make two window sills which will be inside the home. The barn wood has been planed on one side to about 4/4 thickness, so one side is clean, and will be the exposed side of the sills. The client wants the barn wood left rough and natural, but also wants a sealer applied to help retain the original color of the wood. What sealer would you recommend that:
a. leaves no surface residue,
b. soaks completely into the wood,
c. can be applied with a brush (no wiping), and
d. will leave the wood looking as close to natural as possible?


glenn bradley
10-09-2007, 7:30 PM
That's a tough one. Even the clearest dewaxed shellac will darken the wood somewhat. Most oils will do even more. For birch or maple that I want to stay very light I have taken Zinssers Seal Coat and hit it 1:1 with DNA and limited it to two coats. It does stay very light and would probably be worth a try.