View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
10-08-2007, 10:08 AM
Good Morning
8 Oct 2007

How are we doing today? I hope this finds each of you doing well and enjoying any weather that you may have that isn't hot as blazes.
We've been having temps back up in the 90's and I keep saying "but this is October"....oh well, cooler temps are coming and I will sure be glad.

Progress is going very well on the kitchen table project. The very last glueup piece is taking place this morning, applying wood color will begin tonight. The customer brought me 6 chairs to finish for her to go along with the Red Oak table that I'm making. The chairs are made out of Parawood (made in Malaysia) and it sure doesn't look like "oak" to me. Oh well, I'll get to charge her a little more money for finishing the chairs. ;)

I have at least one more kitchen table to make and it's for a neighbor down the street and will be made from Walnut that has air dried in his father-in-laws barn for over 40 years. This stuff has some very nice color to it when it's compared to walnut that was kiln dried. I now much prefer air dried lumber as the color in the wood is much better and the stresses seem to be less in air dried. I have a sawmill that's only 1.5 hours away where I can buy Select Grade White Oak for $0.80 per board foot "green". So I may buy 250 board feet, sticker, and stack it to see how well it does being air dried. I guess we'll see. :)

My daughter is wanting a "hope chest" as she is now collecting things for when she gets out on her own. So I have that to do as well...PLUS.....the LOML wants a pantry build in the laundry room...AND...the LOML wants a Chimney Cupboard built for a specific spot in the kitchen.

Besides all that, I'm trying to learn how to turn Christmas Ornaments and it's proving more challenging that I first thought. I guess I'll keep trying though. :o

Wish me luck on getting this oval kitchen table colored evenly. I've got one board on the edge of the table top that love to be darker than the rest of the woods around it. So I've got to figure out how to even the color out OR don't worry about it and just get this thing done.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.!!!

Karlan Talkington
10-08-2007, 10:14 AM
I'm about 90% done with my benchtop router table.

My daughter (via my LOML) requested a hope chest as well. I'd be interested in sharing ideas on this project. I was thinking of mixing cherry with walnut for the wood and putting cedar planks on the inside.

I'm also mid-design phase on the coffee table and matching display cabinet for LOML.

I think turning christmas ornaments would be fun. Might have to give that a try too.

Darn list is getting a mile long

Gary Keedwell
10-08-2007, 10:55 AM
Well, usually I'm in different stages of 2 or 3 jobs. I made a conscience effort a few months ago to start nothing until I finished everything. I have been enjoying cleaning up and fooling around in my shop. I have made shelves, rearranged things, painted, inventoried ect., ect.
Starting to get itchy again to start new project. LOML has been browsing thru old magazines trying to find something that will fit into our decor. It has been a great change of pace, though.
Usually I'm looking at catologs to find things that I NEED. Lately, I have been looking at catologs to find things that I WANT. Anyways, I cleaned out my pellet stove real good and lugged down 2400 pounds of pellets to my basement. Ahhhhhh Another woodworking season.:)

Nancy Laird
10-08-2007, 11:27 AM
David and I went to Portales, NM, to see Joe and Lora Chandler, the couple whose business went up in smoke two weeks ago: See this thread:


Joe had ordered some things from Woodworker's and we took them down in our trailer (saved shipping costs), and helped get them into the "new" building. I say "new", but the building is an old corrugated-steel, steel-frame barn with no running water, no bathrooms, lousy lighting, and no telephone. They had to pay the electric company to run power to the building. They have received several decent machines, including a couple of PowerMatic cabinet saws, but ended up buying a new DP and a new bandsaw. They are going from a 100x100' shop to a 40x60' shop, and they are going to try to get up and running by the end of this week, as they have a big kitchen job waiting for them and they need that income.

Fortunately, the load of furniture that was in the trailer in the shop when the fire started got pulled out with a tractor (damaging the trailer in the process), and got delivered and paid for, so they aren't destitute, but they have a long way to go to get back to where they were a year ago.

Please keep Joe and Lora in your thoughts and prayers.

Nancy (74 days)

Jim O'Dell
10-08-2007, 11:34 AM
I worked my first Sat. at the new job. Went by quickly! Wrote more tickets in 3 1/2 hours that day than a ful day at the old job!
Set my rails and tiles for the drawers and doors on the business end of the router table. Worked a little on the ducting within the router cabinet, went and bought supplies for the drawers. Fabricated and installed the adjusting rod for the air intake door for the router chamber. Worked out smooth! Built a handle to do the adjusting out of scrap oak and dowell.
Took the LOML out for a nice steak dinner last night. First time we've gone out in some time that was just the 2 of us.
Have a great week! Jim.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-08-2007, 12:07 PM
Completed all the electrical except the 220 outlets in the west half of my shop. The oldest son came over Saturday afternoon and we got the 2nd row of fluorescent lights installed.I now can walk into the shop and turn on lights by flipping 2 light switches and the lights are fluorescent not halogen construction lights! Yes! I bought the cords, plugs and oulets for the 220 circuits for the lathe and b/s. NO I HAVEN'T NOR WILL I INSTALL THEM UNTIL THE SHOP IS FINISHED NANCY!

Visited my elk hunting mentor in ICU in a local regional medical center. His hours are limited. I should have gotten more done in my shop this weekend but visiting him demoralized me and I kept busy "tinkering".

You'll notice a 2nd box sitting on top the box with the lathe in it. The bed extension is sitting there....Nancy it's unopened.....:D



10-08-2007, 12:41 PM
All my weekends for a while are booked except for this weekend. My plan was to try to save my yard, but the fact that the drought/heat continues this late into the year nixed that plan. After a week of sprinklers running almost constantly, I can now stick a shovel almost an inch into the soil before hitting rock hard clay. Not nearly deep enough for the aerator to work right. It'll just bounce around instead of taking plugs.
So, my car got prepped for its last track day of the season at the end of the month. That leaves Sat. the 20th free for yardwork if mother nature cooperates. I'm done with the sprinklers.
On the woodworking side, I plan to attend the WW show in Richmond next weekend (probably Sat AM). I also need to start designing an oriental style garden bench for a Christmas present. Any pictures or suggestions for design and what wood to use (outdoors) are appreciated.


Jason Morgan
10-08-2007, 12:43 PM
Thanks to help and suggestions from many folks here I got my subpanel in and most of my circuits in for my new gar-shop. I have one lighting circuit to run and the dedicated 220V for the dust collector and then we'll be in the go position for insulation and wall board.

John Bailey
10-08-2007, 1:24 PM
I've been working on my wife's apple press. We've got so many apples this year, the branches are breaking from the weight.

Also, finished my latest mountain dulcimer. Reminds me of Mountain View Arkansas, where I learned to build them - just down the road from Dennis.

73212 73213


Nancy Laird
10-08-2007, 3:48 PM
..I bought the cords, plugs and oulets for the 220 circuits for the lathe and b/s. NO I HAVEN'T NOR WILL I INSTALL THEM UNTIL THE SHOP IS FINISHED NANCY!
You'll notice a 2nd box sitting on top the box with the lathe in it. The bed extension is sitting there....Nancy it's unopened.....:D

But I didn't say anything, Ken. :( I wasn't even going to mention it. Now you've hurt my dad-gummed feelings! :rolleyes: ;) (Don't you dare believe it.) I'm real proud of you.

Nancy (74 days)

Fred Voorhees
10-08-2007, 8:10 PM
Wound up my vacation in Syracuse,NY at the annual Super DIRT Week.


Doug Shepard
10-08-2007, 9:24 PM
Got 3 of the 5 layers on my workbench top epoxied together. Hope to get the 4th and 5th layer glued together tomorrow night, then glue that to what I've already got done.

Doing the top like Sam Blasco's on this thread

Al Willits
10-08-2007, 10:01 PM
Finally a weekend that nothing fell on the house or anything else, got the Cabinet for the belt sander done a bit ago and changed my mind and make a door for the cabinet part, its done, and works...yaaaaa

Got the Cabinet from the nether world finally out of the garage and inside the house and Beasty's got it full of stuff already.

Got the awning we ordered installed for the back door, dogs happy, she can stand on the back stairs and protect the world, and not get wet if its rainning.

It of course rainned this weekend, so no fishing or golf, but got lots of honeydo's done...:)
Did manage to wander over to the local fishing store and spend a few bucks, I have a tournament to fish the 20th and needed a few more lures, Beasty came along and she got a few lures....she picks the most godawful colors that shouldn't work if the fish was starving to death....

Yup, I'll be using her lures as darn if they don't catch fish like crazy...go figure...:confused:


Jim Becker
10-08-2007, 10:33 PM
After spending the week in Nashville at my company's fiscal year sales and technical kick off meeting (including being part of the "entertainment" with four presentations), I still didn't really get any shop time on Saturday as I had YMCA duty (including a play/swim date for Alesya after her lesson) and some shopping after dinner out. (Nasta was at Dorny Park pretending not to be scared of roller coasters) Sunday, however, I got a bunch of shop time working on the cabinets for the toilet room in our new master bath in the addition. I have been working on the progress photos and will be posting one of my project threads in the next day or so.

Brett Baldwin
10-09-2007, 1:36 AM
I have been researching and patiently:rolleyes: waiting to pick up this...
Look in the general section for more details.:D

Justin McCurdy
10-09-2007, 8:35 AM
I managed to cut and dado all of the pieces for a garage cabinet that I am building. Here is a pic of the Sketchup design minus faceframe.


David Wilson
10-09-2007, 8:52 AM
Not wood working, but I had a bad abdominal pain problem when I got up saturday. Sunday it was worse. Went to the VA hospital in Fargo late sunday morning, got diagnosed and went into surgery. They did a laproscopic apendictomy and I was home again by 4:00 pm monday. I'm a little sore but the pain is nothing like before the surgery. Heck of a way to spend a week end.

Tyler Howell
10-09-2007, 3:58 PM
Spent the whole week at the new place.
After the end of the fiscal year and a rough battle with an employee I needed some R&R.
Played in the woods, sat bye the fire, read, ate good food and hiked on the beach.
Had a house full of visitors.
Was a good week.

Tyler Howell
10-09-2007, 3:59 PM
Not wood working, but I had a bad abdominal pain problem when I got up saturday. Sunday it was worse. Went to the VA hospital in Fargo late sunday morning, got diagnosed and went into surgery. They did a laproscopic apendictomy and I was home again by 4:00 pm monday. I'm a little sore but the pain is nothing like before the surgery. Heck of a way to spend a week end.
Wow Dave,
Speedy recovery.