View Full Version : Steel City Drill Press Tip

Matt Meiser
10-07-2007, 9:08 PM
I'm finally getting around to doing something with my new Steel City drill press other than looking at it while I work on other projects. One of the things I bought for it was an X-Y vise. My dad has always had an x-y vise, but I'd never bought myself one until now. I noticed in the Grizzly catalog that they made vise mounts for some of their drill presses and one of them listed the size of the post. I checked out mine and sure enough it was the same size. So now I won't have to worry about having the oilly metalworking mess around my woodworking table. It fits a 4" vise, and of course I already bought a 5" vise (and threw away the box) so I'll have to make an adapter plate up. I'm also thinking of including a chip/oil collection tray at the same time.


Vic Damone
10-07-2007, 9:30 PM


David G Baker
10-07-2007, 11:30 PM
I have a couple of drill presses and use both for metal work and one for wood work. Oil has always been a problem because I am not as neat as I should be while working on a metal project. One of my drill presses has a xy vise on it and I couldn't live with out it. The problem I have is I hate to remove the vice and clean up the oil mess when I want to work on wood. The other larger drill press has been set up for slug cutter bits and I hate to change that set up unless I have a project going on that requires a lot of accurate drilling.

Matt Meiser
10-08-2007, 7:47 AM
David, that's why I bought this mount. I can just loosen the clamp under the table (the same one you loosen to rotate the table) and pull it off.

Maurice Ungaro
10-08-2007, 9:30 AM
Does your Steel City DP have the same dimensional specs as the 17" Delta DP?

Matt Meiser
10-08-2007, 9:43 AM
Maurice, I'm not sure, but the dimension that matters here is the diameter of the post on the bottom of the table is 47mm.

Gary Keedwell
10-08-2007, 10:05 AM
You got me thinking ( not easy accomplishment, by the way) so I converted your 47 mm into american and got 1.850394. I then went down to my basement shop and took my round table off of my 17" Jet and measured the post. Indeed, it measured 1.850.
Just did it for reference.......

Eddie Darby
10-08-2007, 11:30 AM
I have the same set-up on my drill press, and I am real happy with it. I just put some garbage bags on the surrounding floor when I use it.

When it comes to cleaning the vise afterwards, it's nice to be able to flip the unit upside down.

I made a cradle with a 47 mm hole in it, to hold the unit when not in use.

Kyle Kraft
10-08-2007, 12:00 PM
I have a similar device, but it is mounted on my WWing table. That way when I want to do metalworking, I simply lift the clean WWing table out of the DP and insert the OEM table with the slots and stuff on it. Then I work my little heart out, and swap 'em back when I'm done.

Maurice Ungaro
10-08-2007, 4:00 PM
Maurice, I'm not sure, but the dimension that matters here is the diameter of the post on the bottom of the table is 47mm.

Thanks Matt! Looks like an order from Grizz is in order!