View Full Version : Photo Tent Deal

Christopher K. Hartley
10-07-2007, 12:01 PM
I was sitting on the airplane the other day looking at the Sky Mall Magazine. I saw this real nifty portable photo tent and since I was flying I had a choice of miles credit or $20 off the cost. Guess which I took? No brainer, right? Anyway here it is and all I have to do is learn to use it. My home brew was big ugly and bulky. Plus, the LOML didn't want it as a standard fixture. Figure that. This one folds up into a real convenient small carry case. :)

Brian Weick
10-07-2007, 12:10 PM
Does that really make a huge difference when taking pictures Chris? I have a lot to learn about taking good pictures (as you can tell) and I think I need some help with that- lighting, backdrops-etc,etc.

Jim Becker
10-07-2007, 1:17 PM
Looks like a nice setup, Christopher.

Marvin Hasenak
10-07-2007, 1:31 PM
I have one just like it, I think the LOML got it at Circuit City. Easy to set up and put away, and really compact when all folded up.


Bruce Shiverdecker
10-07-2007, 1:35 PM
Neat, Chris. For us non-flyers, it is available from Walmart for I believe $48.00.


Tom Sherman
10-07-2007, 6:39 PM
Very cool Chris I have been considering the one that Bruce mentioned, hopefully that will help with my Photo handicap.

Ron McKinley
10-07-2007, 7:32 PM
I've had one like that for about a year now and quickly found out the little quartz lights were adequate to use as focus lights but exposures would run about 15 seconds on a tripod. So, I use the lights to focus the camera, then turn them off and use external flash units for the exposure—which I can hand-hold. The tent works fine....Ron

Jim Kountz
10-07-2007, 7:38 PM
I may have to get me one o dem! Nice, now take a picture of that fine turning you got there using the new tent and let us see how she goes!

Nancy Laird
10-07-2007, 7:39 PM
I also have one of those photo booths - purchased at WalMart for under $50. It's a great little tool for small things, but you can't put a 12" bowl in it and expect to get decent pictures, IMHO.

Nancy (75 days)

bob edwards
10-07-2007, 9:14 PM
I would be interested to know where you found your great buy as well as where to look for one at Wal-Mart. I made mine from PVC pipe and a muslin sheet. It works fine but would like something easer to store if it isn't too expensive. Wolf Camera has one for $100 but I am always looking for a better deal.

Bob Edwards
San Antonio

Nancy Laird
10-07-2007, 9:25 PM
Bob, these photo booths are founds in the photo section of the WalMarts - usually on a lower shelf in the surround of the photo-processing equipment. They are also available on-line - just search for photo booth.

Nancy (75 days )

Larry Marley
10-08-2007, 7:58 PM
Thanks for the tip,
I was in the hunt for one of these and picked it up at WalMart for $50.
Just like Nancy said... :D