View Full Version : 3520 owners - motor sound help

Dave Grey
10-07-2007, 5:16 AM
This is my first post so I will make it count!

I am the recent, proud owner of a 3520 - an anxiously awaited (and major!) upgrade from a mini lathe which got me hooked on turning. The first thing I noticed when I turned it on for the first time was a high-pitched electronic kind of chirping sound coming from the motor when running in either direction at the lower speeds. It is not super loud, but kind of squeaky or chirpy in nature - reminds me of an ultrasonic device we had to repel rodents growing up or those insects like cicadas or katydids that chirp rapidly at night, but a bit more electronic in nature. The frequency of this sound is indexed to the speed of the lathe, although the pitch is fairly constant across the speed range. Above 700-800 rpm, it's hard to hear it because the combination of the high frequency of the sound itself (runs together) and the additional fan noise from the motor. I removed the motor cover and unhooked the drive belt and made sure that it wasn't the fan hitting or a belt or something else obvious. I checked my voltage at the outlet and current draw and there are no issues there.

I rigged up a system to manually spin the motor (via the handwheel) and there is no sound whatsoever, even spinning at similar speeds, so that rules out bearing sounds and the like, I think. It really sounds to me that the sound originates from within the motor. I called Powermatic and they sent out a guy to replace the motor. New motor, exact same sound. At this point, I was told by the Powermatic repair guy that this is normal. I had a distinct impression that he had no evidence to back that statement up. The sound is pretty annoying to me due to it's high pitch and piercing nature. I have asked others to listen to it and they agree that it is noticable and annoying. I have been very happy with the lathe in all other respects, but as my main reason for going to such a large lathe was to extend my skills and get into 12"+ stuff, I am often turning at the lower end of the speed range.

I wanted to put it to other 3520 owners to see if this really is a feature of this Powermatic motor, or if something odd is going on with my unit - perhaps related to the phase converter which I know nothing about. In other words, do any of you have such a sound at lower speeds, or are your motors "whisper-quiet" at low speeds?

For interest, my "shop" (basement) necessitates some mobility for the lathe. I have seen other posts about mobility with this lathe. I installed 4 levelling casters from Great Lakes Caters (ca $12 each) and they work well. Prior to installing the casters, I carefully mounted an 8" deep X 14" oak blank (green) straight from the bandsaw where I had cut the cylinder "to the line". I then increased the speed until the lathe began to rock back and forth a little (ca. 650 rpm which is scary to me for a rough blank of that size). I then mounted the casters (I had tapped the feet to the necessary M12 prior to assembling the lathe) and repeated the experiment). This time, the rocking began at around 500 rpm. Interestingly, at higher speeds (800+), the rocking kind of stabilized. I also tried spinnning a mostly dry shallow 8" blank that was trued and it was very stable up to 1200 rpm (with casters mounted). My conclusion is that there may be a slight sacrifice in overall stability with the casters mounted (perhaps due to some play in the caster mechanism or the caster rubber), but I cannot see it influencing my turning. The mobility is excellent and the levelling is efficient. As an added bonus, I am about 6'2" and the added 3 inches of height are welcome.

Thanks in advance for your replies


Ron Coleman
10-07-2007, 7:43 AM
The sound is normal for a variable frequency AC drive, you get used to it after a while. They all whine, regardless of brand. I'm surprised the service man wasn't familiar with the sound, could have saved himself some work.


Reed Gray
10-07-2007, 11:44 AM
I have a 3520A model, and I have never heard any whine or chirping from my motor. Just a nice pleasant whirrrrrrr. It is at least 7 years old, and I know they have made some changes with the converter, and a few other things, but I don't know about the noise.
robo hippy

Brodie Brickey
10-07-2007, 11:46 AM
No whining here either. My 3520A is about 4 years old. There is the whirr of the fan, but that's it.

Ron Coleman
10-07-2007, 11:53 AM
They may have DC drives instead of AC. The motor name plate will tell.


Brian Weick
10-07-2007, 11:56 AM
Sounds like a VFD frequency sound- I get that same sound from my motor (not the same lathe) but it isn't loud , just a high pitch sound.

Christopher K. Hartley
10-07-2007, 12:09 PM
I'm with Brian, same here on my Robust. However, no chirping or squeaking...I only get that when the birds, crickets and lizards come into the garage.:)

Brian Weick
10-07-2007, 12:13 PM
:confused: there are some parameters (at least on mine) that you can adjust to remove that noise, I haven't gotten around to that as of yet - but I will look in my Yaskawa manual later today and see if I can't find the information on what adjustments to make-I 'll post them here.

Don Robert
10-07-2007, 12:27 PM
The VFD on my new 3520B hums quite noticeably, but the motor only purrs quietly.

The addition of the casters to the lathe "softens" the mounting and lowers the natural frequency of the machine. It is not surprising that your "castered" lathe begins to oscillate at a frequency lower than the the "uncastored" lathe.

William Bachtel
10-07-2007, 2:23 PM
My 3520b is as quite as a kid in trouble.

Dennis Peacock
10-07-2007, 2:28 PM
3520A model here and a wisper quiet motor....no matter what speed it is running at.

Dave Grey
10-07-2007, 3:41 PM
Wow, thanks for all the quick responses. I came to the right place! It sounds like the consensus so far is that there may be sounds associated with VFD AC motors in general, but aside from Ron's comment about "getting used to if after awhile", it doesn't seem that anyone is experiencing anything crossing over into annoying territory. In particular, all the 3250 owners are reporting quiet motors. The converter box doesn't make any sound I can notice. I have asked three other guys for their opinions and the piercing nature of the sound was universally agreed to be annoying. Even one of the service guys said "man, that's rough" as he was leaving. I'll wait and see if I get any other replies and then I may try to record the sound some way.

Once I get turning, the combined noise of air cleaner, lathe motor, and tool cutting do all kind of run together and I do get used to it, but I'd rather it wasn't present.

Paul Zerjay
10-07-2007, 5:30 PM
3520B here whisper quiet on mine too.

Dennis Peacock
10-07-2007, 6:04 PM

Get you a 3' long piece of flexible tubing and use it like a stethoscope to pinpoint the real noise. I've found car engine noises this way and you can be fairly accurate with where the noise is coming from "in physical terms".

All I know is that if mine made that kind of noise? Well, I don't want to EVEN go there. ;)