View Full Version : Message too wide for screen

Peter Stahl
02-04-2004, 5:42 PM
Why do some messages that are posted here on SMC scroll off the screen. Some go off to the side and i have to scroll right to see all the text. Is there some way I can permenately set this so it's all on one screen?

thanks Pete

Chris Padilla
02-04-2004, 5:52 PM

All it takes is one post in a thread with a picture that is wider than the allowable space in the message window to cause that to happen. With that in mind, pictures should be no wider than 600 pixels. 500 is probably better.

Look at this thread and notice that huge picture posted by Lee...it causes the rest of the post to go "off page". Even my picture are a bit too wide...I'll need to adjust that.


Also, it depends on your screen resolution and window width you allow in your browser. For example, do you have a list on the left of your "Favorites" for links? That takes up room.

Dennis Peacock
02-04-2004, 6:10 PM

Chris has made some very fine points there. I always edit my pics so that I can fit the content into the message space for SMC. My largest pics are always 600 pixels wide and those fit nicely for most viewers reading posts on SMC. If a pic is not sized down.....all the posts will be off the screen on the right-hand side.....Frustrating isn't it? :)

Ken Salisbury
02-05-2004, 12:39 PM

All it takes is one post in a thread with a picture that is wider than the allowable space in the message window to cause that to happen. With that in mind, pictures should be no wider than 600 pixels. 500 is probably better.

Look at this thread and notice that huge picture posted by Lee...it causes the rest of the post to go "off page". Even my picture are a bit too wide...I'll need to adjust that.


Sometimes I edit posts by downloading them to my computer, resize, compress and replace them in the thread (time permitting that is). I missed the one you reference in Lee's thread.

Dennis' suggestion is a good one - folks should size to 6" wide or less and compress so the photos fit the screen and are file sizes which load faster. Lots of free phot editing software is available to do these simple chores.

Stan Smith
02-18-2004, 11:00 AM
I was just going to ask the same question when I found this post. I thought that I could change the zoom downward but that won't work. Is the wide text problem for just a particular thread?


Chris Padilla
02-18-2004, 11:47 AM

I'm not sure what you mean be zoom downward but the text problem isn't a text problem at all...it is a picture being too wide (large) problem.

So, yes to your question. If a wide picture is posted in a thread, it will only be an issue in that thread. In fact, if the thread goes so long as to require multiple pages, the problem will disappear on the second page of the thread.

Am I making any sense here? :)