View Full Version : Centauro 600 (MM24) bandsaw question

Rich Tesoroni
10-05-2007, 1:23 PM
Does anyone have a manual? I'm looking for the page with the lift points for moving one.

I'll probably need to lay down to get in the door and saw pics of them shipped that way, so I might move it the whole way on it's spine if there's no issues with that.


Jim Becker
10-05-2007, 10:40 PM
In general, any of these welded steel "euro" band saws can be moved on their spine with no problems. In fact, many of us have taken them home from a show exactly that way in the back of a pickup truck, mine included. When I helped Robert Tarr deal with his at his previous home, we slid it down into the basement that way, too.

The actual "lift points" should be on the top of the saw and they usually have knock-out plastic covers on many of the MM saws.

Travis Porter
10-05-2007, 11:29 PM
I have this specific saw and the manual. Unfortunately, the manual leaves something to be desired. Jim is correct the lift points are in the top. Mine came shipped laying on its spine and I am glad it did as it is a little over 7 ft tall and it was the only way I could get it in the door.

FWIW, don't mess with getting the miter gauge or mobility kit. The miter gauge is pretty much a toy, and the mobility kit will find every unlevel place in your floor and make it miserable to move. If you want it mobile, get casters from Zambus or Great Lakes.

Steven Wilson
10-06-2007, 10:13 AM
Travis, I have an MM20 and the mobility kit is fine. It operates on the same principle as most machine movers for larger machines, you just need to get use to using it. Casters are a bad idea if your floor isn't perfectly flat. As for the miter gauge, I actually use mine. It's not the greatest but serviceable. I did put another piece of aluminum extrusion on it to make it a bit longer.

For moving the saw, you can move it on the spine but I would remove the table assembly first.

Bernhard Lampert
10-06-2007, 6:47 PM
... Casters are a bad idea if your floor isn't perfectly flat. .....

The Zambus/Great Lakes casters are leveling casters...just for an uneven floor.

My bandsaw (Felder FB640, pretty much the same as the Centauro) was also shipped on its spine with the table in place.
