View Full Version : Color Grain Laminate Material

Wayne Bitting
10-05-2007, 8:13 AM
Has anyone turned Color Grain before? PSI isn't carrying the dyed box elder for bottle toppers any longer and I was thinking of using the color grain as a substitute. I starting to take my Christmas orders today and have only a limited supply of the dyed topper left from last year to offer. I know I can get the dyed ones from any number of online places, but its easier for me to just pick them up from the PSI showroom as the orders come in so I don't have to buy more then I need. Thanks.

Dean Thomas
10-05-2007, 9:46 PM
Maybe this is the time to start using a different material. New model year and all that stuff.

Only half teasing. You could create a lot of repeat customers based on collecting "this year's" version, I'll betcha.

Dennis Peacock
10-06-2007, 10:50 PM

If you want some pure "eye-candy" for your bottle stoppers and pens? The call and talk to Bill (Uncle Bill I call him because he's a great person to deal with) at Arizona Silhouette and get you some awesome stuff to turn. I have never had anything ugly or bad come from Arizona Silhouette. Google for his wed site and check it out.

Not affiliated....just really like his "eye-candy". :D

Jack Savona
10-07-2007, 12:26 PM
I wholesale about 600 stoppers each year. My laminated color stoppers are definitely the most popular. (People ask how long it takes me to glue up the laminates.)

However I mostly cut my own blanks from my bowl scraps and use thinned acrylics and other dyes to color either the whole stopper or just a textured ring around the side. COLOR SELLS!

Here's the supplier for my colorwood. His 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 12" blanks for $8.29 give me 5-6 stopper blanks and keep my costs down. For me the 1 1/2" square stock works just fine.


No connection, just a very satisfied customer.


Ben Gastfriend
10-09-2007, 4:16 PM
If you got some regular BE blanks, I bet you could get the same effect from some of the available non-grain-raising dyes.