View Full Version : wood bathtub or sink

julie Graf
10-04-2007, 7:43 PM
anyone successfully done one? what type of wood and finish? tips? tricks?

I'm seeing them in catalogs & magazines, but want some word of mouth proof that they are for real.

- julie

Jason Roehl
10-04-2007, 7:54 PM
I read about a tub once that was made entirely of framing offcuts from a house under construction, then the interior was shaped smooth. I believe the finish was a thick coating of epoxy (probably done in many coats). If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that it was in an issue of Fine Homebuilding from about 5-7 years ago.

Josiah Bartlett
10-04-2007, 8:24 PM
I'd probably pay good money to take a soak in a whirlpool tub made out of an old dugout canoe. I'm sure it would cause some sort of inverse karmic singularity, though.

Randal Stevenson
10-04-2007, 11:54 PM
I had read about a Furro, I believe is the term. It is a Japanese style bathtub, that they made out of plywood, and fiberglassed it. (sounded like Norm's boat project from a few years back).

Norman Hitt
10-05-2007, 2:13 AM
There is a fellow in South Texas that has a large plumbing business, but makes very high dollar carved lavatories, sinks and mantles out of "Mesquite" in his home shop, and sells them at all the Mesquite Festivals/craft shows. They are all carved from a large Mesquite log, but I don't remember what he said he used as a finish, but whatever he used was clear and left a very rich natural finish. I have not seen a wood bath tub though except in pictures and don't remember what they were made from.

Greg Cole
10-05-2007, 8:58 AM
Pretty sure some of the Greene & Greene homes were appointed with wooden counters in the kitchens, wooden tubs in the bathrooms.... etc.
Shopping for a pool this summer I stubled across custom made wooden pools.:rolleyes:
The countertops I could possibly live with but not keep on any of the other pieces.
