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View Full Version : Three phase to single phase

Rob Calkins
10-04-2007, 1:05 AM
I am changing my PM 143 from three phase to single phase. There are some electrical components by the motor. What are these? Do I need them for single phase? I don't believe I do, but want to ask first. If I don't need them, does anyone want them?

Rob Calkins

harry strasil
10-04-2007, 2:36 AM
looks like the magnetic starter for the motor to me.

jim mckee
10-04-2007, 7:05 AM
It all should go with the motor you took off, that'll make finding a good home for it easier.

Rod Sheridan
10-04-2007, 7:18 AM
Hi Rob, the green Furnas object is a size 00 starter, complete with overload relay (the lower black object with three E42 heaters to provide overload protection for the motor).

The other object object to the right, with the fuse on top, is the control transformer to reduce the incoming voltage to whatever the coil voltage of the starter is, probably 120 volts.

When you convert to a single phase motor, you will need a method of turning the motor on/off, and if the motor does not have internal thermal overload protection, you will need a starter with the correct sized overload protection.

A magnetic or manual motor starter can provide on/off and overload protection in one package.

If all you need is on/off, then a manual motor starter without overload protection will do the trick.

Regards, Rod.