View Full Version : Heading to SWAT

10-03-2007, 11:41 AM
This will be my contribution to the SWAT instant gallery. It is my first winged bowl attempt, I think it passed with flying (pun intended) colors! Please comment and CRITIQUE! I am still learning so anything helps. it is cottonwood burl, the bowl area is 7 3/4" dia., 3 1/2" tall, wall thickness is 3/16". This thing gave me many a bump on the fingers when sanding. I would have liked to go thinner, but the hole in the side started cracking the piece at the rim and I did not want to loose this. I made absolutely no cuts on the wings, this piece is as is given to me but the tree trimmer. wanted the wings of the bowl to be as natural as possible. So without further nonsense, here it is!!!

Samu Aalto
10-03-2007, 11:54 AM
Absolutey interesting. Combination of absolute naturalism and ruthless geometrics.

For some reason :confused:, I see a wide straight glass tube as as stand, where the bowl would fit in and then be supported by those "wings" against tube edges.

I can't understand why I see it there, hmm.


Jeff Bower
10-03-2007, 11:59 AM
Tyler, I like this very much! What is the finish?

10-03-2007, 12:19 PM
Oh, sorry, lots and lots of coats of poly. I think about 5 coats of hand rubbed to soak in, as this piece was very dry (cut about 4 years ago in the desert area of Texas), and then about 5 more coats of air brushed poly. All the poly is the Deft poly with a mix of 70% poly 30% naptha. Makes a great air brush poly and hand rubbed looks good too.

Jude Kingery
10-03-2007, 12:31 PM
Tyler, very nice!!! I really like it and have never tried anything like this; you're a brave lad - and you did an outstanding job on it! Have a blast at SWAT, I'll miss you guys, we're off to see the Wizard (art show in CO). Take care and our best to everybody! Jude

Richard Madison
10-03-2007, 10:54 PM
Very, very nice! Used to spray and airbrush poly years ago. Massive effort and time required to achieve desired result. Will miss SWAT this year, but plan to be there next year.

Jon Lanier
10-03-2007, 11:56 PM
Newbie has no clue what SWAT is? Well, other than when the hand meeting bottom when jr. test his limits.

Harvey M. Taylor
10-04-2007, 8:19 AM
Hi, Jon,
To clear up this secret, swat stands for---South West Association Of Turners. We started as Texas Turn or Two, then someone thought of the present name. Kinda catchy, dont you think? Max in Ft. Worth Tx. going to SWAT.

Bernie Weishapl
10-04-2007, 10:28 AM
Wow Tyler that is way cool. Boy I bet the pucker factor stood up on that one. Love the finish on it.

RL Johnson
10-04-2007, 7:58 PM
I am looking forward to seeing first hand your beautiful turning/ Hope to see you there. Leaving first thing in the morning for SWAT. Yee Haw!

10-05-2007, 9:26 AM
Sorry for the confusion. I will not be at SWAT, but my pieces will be. I had a friend take them, as our turners club wanted a good display. I have used to many vacation days already, and get to take a trip later this month to celebrate 10 years to my bride!