View Full Version : tabletop question

Mike Steinhilper
10-03-2007, 6:47 AM
I am building a hall table/nightstand. I intended to have a two inch lip on all four sides. However, it ended up being deeper than originally planned, so I've only got about an inch to play with on the front and back. I have a couple of options... have a 2 inch lip on either side, with a 1 inch front and back, or have 2 inch lip on both sides and front, and flush in back. On a piece that will always be against a wall, is it acceptable to have a flush back? Which option makes the most sense? Any thoughts?

p.s. One inch all around is not an option because of the proportions of the table. It's tall and slender and needs some weight at the top to visually balance it.

p.p.s. This is sort of a practice project so buying more wood is not really an option. If I were making the real deal it I would do a whole new top.

keith ouellette
10-03-2007, 3:34 PM
I always think of symmetry so i would go the 2" on the sides and one inch front and back. That way it will look like you ment it that way. What is truely correct is anybodies guess.

Jason Beam
10-03-2007, 3:37 PM
If it is intended to go against the wall, flush is fine ... except ... baseboards always foil the flush intentions, right? If your legs are able to contend with the baseboard, it's less problematic.

Richard M. Wolfe
10-03-2007, 4:00 PM
I assume you have both the top and base made. Before you fasten the top to the base just lay it on base and align it both ways and see what looks best to you. Another option is to cut two inches off the side so you could have one inch all around.

glenn bradley
10-03-2007, 4:07 PM
I'm with Keith as your base board or just plain not wanting it to bang into the wall will make good use of an inch front and back. This will also allow for rotation should you decide the light hits the grain better 180* from how you thought it would stand.

Mike Steinhilper
10-03-2007, 4:52 PM
thanks guys... i'll post a pic when finished