View Full Version : Sawstop With Incra TS-LS: How to connect outfeed & router table?

Jim Kaczmark
10-01-2007, 9:54 PM
Hello all,

Planning ahead here. I've purchased a Sawstop (waiting delivery) & will be purchasing an Incra TS-LS for it. Now I'm planning my router table & outfeed table. I'll be most likely be building an outfeed table like one that's posted on Jim Becker's web site. For the router table, I'm going to be purchasing a custom table from Woodpeckers. Te only thing that I haven't figured out yet is how will I be connecting them to the Sawstop / Incra combo. Maybe I'm a bit ahead of myself since the actual machines are not in my shop yet, but I have time now to get the materials, plan the cuts, etc.

So, how did you connect these items to your sawstop with Incra? Are there extra brackets with the Incra, or did you somehow make use of what was provided with a retrofit of some type? In this case, pictures may be worth a thousand words if you have some.

Thanks in advance.

Don Bullock
10-01-2007, 10:32 PM
Congratulations on your decision. I have a SawStop with Incra TS-LS and really like the combination. If you buy the Incra TS-LS that is made for the SawStop you'll have no problem fitting it to the saw. As for attaching a router table, I haven't done that yet (future project when I have the $$), but I do know that Incra does have TS mounting hardware for a router table. Here's a picture of it:


I don't see any reason to buy a custom router table from Woodpeckers. They want too much for it. I plan on using a ready made, or one I make myself. Yes the SawStop table is 30" deep and a standard top is only 28". I can add the extra in the form of a frame around the ready made top that will also add extra support and ragidity for the top. Another option, since the actual space between the rails is 32", is to buy a 24" x 32" top that will fit right between the rails. I was planning on using the Jessem Router R Lift FX with my Bosch 1617 router and this table:


There's more options out there than just what Woodpeckers has.

Jim Kaczmark
10-02-2007, 8:22 PM
Don, Thanks for your reply.

I definitely would make my own, but I'm literally setting up a whole shop & eliminating the router table from the "I need to make it list" will really help me with getting the shop set up, thus the willingness to pay for a completed router table top. As I said previously, I'm waiting to get my items in, but hope to make my router table order ASAP so I won't have to wait even longer after my sawstop arrives. As such, thanks to those who are willing to answer my questions.... some of which would be easy answers if I were to simply wait for my equipment. Your time is really appreciated.

My questions now are:

1) Where else besides Woodpecker's would you suggest going? (Have had good results with their router tops before?)

2) Router table top size for my intended setup I've calculated to be 30" (width between the Incra rails) by 38". I'm intending on shifting the Incra rails to the right to allow for a 48" ripping width. My math is as follows: 72" Incra rail length - (44" sawstop width with both extension tables less the 10" width of the left sawstop extension table) = 72"-(44"-10")=38". Can anyone confirm this dimension. In other words, in order to use the available Sawstop rail mounting holes, am I correct that I can shift the rails to the right by 10" to line up with the right edge of the left extension table?)

3) With the Incra TS-LS slid all the way to the right, what is the distance from the right end of the rails to the left side of the fence? (This would help me determine a router bit center point on the assumed 30"x38" router table that would allow me to route without flipping the Incra fence 180 degrees.

4) If I were to flip the Incra fence around to use the routing table, what would you subjectively consider a comfortable distance from the Right edge of the table to the center point of the router bit?

I may even consider placing mitre channels on each side of the router to further enhance my router flexibility. (I'd set these back the recommended 6-1/4" from the router's center point.)

Like I said before... huge thanks to your assistance.


Don Bullock
10-02-2007, 9:02 PM
With the Incra rails attached to my SawStop the distance between the front and rear rail is 30 1/8". With the right steel wing attached to the SawStop the distance from the edge of the right wing to the end of the rails is 28". On the Jessem the track in the table top is parallel with the long direction of the table (30") which would also make it parallel to the fence if I installed it between the rails (Woodpecker track runs parallel to the short side on their tables -- unless it's custom made). If I used that table then the carriage that holds the positioner would sit on that extra four inches to the right of the table allowing most, if not all the table space four the router. I admit that I haven't done this, but all the numbers seem to say that it would work. For me another consideration is that I have the Bosch 1617 router and the Jessem lift that I mentioned fits that router without adding the cost of an extra sleeve for the router. Until recently Woodpeckers didn't have this option. Now, with their Unilift it looks like they have one that will hold my router without the extra sleeve. That may change my plans.

For you the suggestion above with the jessem might not work, but it is an alternative to the cost of the custom table from Woodpeckers. Like I said, there may be other possibilities for your situation as well. If you've had a good experience with Woodpecker router tables then that would most likely be the best choice for you.

Scott Rollins
10-02-2007, 9:54 PM
Check this thread:

You can get a 48" cut as you calculated.
I used door hinges and T-nuts to connect my extension table. It was supposed to be temporary, but it worked so well I'll keep it till I replace the table.

Don Bullock
10-02-2007, 9:59 PM
Don, Thanks for your reply.

... In other words, in order to use the available Sawstop rail mounting holes, am I correct that I can shift the rails to the right by 10" to line up with the right edge of the left extension table?)

Yes, you can do that, but you'll need to support the right end of the rails with legs of some kind.

Bill Fleming
10-03-2007, 1:21 AM
Got the Woodpecker router table and extension table that attaches to the Incra rails - all works great and back to work.

Yes there are alternatives or do it yourself approaches - but I wanted to focus on building furniture and not saw add-ons.

Cheers - Bill