View Full Version : New Safer Toy

harry strasil
10-01-2007, 9:04 PM
I got worried about my fingers due to the pain factor dulling my senses while in the shop so I created a new taper tool.

Peter Stahl
10-01-2007, 9:08 PM

I'm with you, the old taper jig you had is the kind that scares me too. I like your new jig, looks a lot safer.

Roy Hill
10-01-2007, 9:14 PM

Could you share a few more details on that taper jig. That looks like a real finger saver.

Thanks in advance.

Roy Hill

harry strasil
10-01-2007, 9:19 PM
Just a scrap piece of oak veneer plywood I salvaged , a piece of walnut scrap for a fence, not sure what you call those drive in nuts with a barbed washer head, some all thread, washers and nuts to lock the all thread in place, the finger clamps and some drop on tightners, a handle from scrap.

Its easy to line up the taper as the bottom slide sets next to the blade and the fence is for repetitive cuts.

Don Bullock
10-01-2007, 10:35 PM
That new jig is a great improvement from the old method -- much, much safer.

The handle is a super idea, but I'd suggest that it be placed behind, not next to, the pivit point. If the jig was a little longer and the handle was placed farther back your hand would never cross the plane of the saw blade.

joe greiner
10-02-2007, 8:44 AM
Looks good, Harry. I take that back; it looks very good. BTW, they're called "T-nuts."

It might be more versatile if both fence attachments were adjustable like the middle one, to allow variable offset at both ends. Other than that, perfect.

[Oops! Brain got stuck in neutral. You can just move the main fence, of course. Never mind.]


Ben Grunow
10-03-2007, 8:33 PM
Nicely done Harry. Good to see you again (was getting a little worried.. no posts for a long time?).


Rich Torino
10-03-2007, 8:37 PM
I'm with you on using a tapering jig... I like your design nice and simple..and a whole lot safer...

harry strasil
10-04-2007, 3:36 AM
Hi Ben,

Finally getting so I can stand for about 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Brain wants to do lots of things, but body is limited. I get some things done, but takes forever.