View Full Version : Well I bought a lathe but....

Jim Kountz
09-27-2007, 9:49 PM
Well group I finally bought a lathe yesterday, not sure what Im getting myself into here. Oh Ive read about the vortex and all but thats not whats bothering me. You see I bought a very old Delta lathe and it needs some work. Maybe alot of work but it needs work! Ive been networking with several very nice folks who own the very lathe I got and they seem to have alot of positive things to say about it. Bearing upgrades are easy on this one and most all aftermarket tool rests will work on it too. Best I can tell the thing was made sometime in the 1940's. I love tinkering with stuff like this so if nothing else it will keep me busy for a while!

Heres a pic of the ol girl the way she looks now. Hope to change this real soon!!

Mike A. Smith
09-27-2007, 10:08 PM
Welcome to the round world Jim!

I know you said it needs some work, but might I suggest that the stand should be a bit taller?:D

Jim Kountz
09-27-2007, 10:10 PM
Ok you had me actually laughing out loud with that one! How do you know Im not that short buddy!! LOL Just kidding, Im already working on a stand for it and my welder friend is going to help me with that. I have been looking for an original stand as they are out there just havent found one yet and might not at all really.

Neal Addy
09-27-2007, 10:35 PM
Congrats and welcome to the addiction!

Don't knock your "old Delta". Those that are taken care of will probably outlast all of us.

Post pics as you go along so we can share in the rebirth of the old girl. I'd love to see it!

Jim Kountz
09-27-2007, 10:40 PM
I hope to have it looking as good as this one does....

Jude Kingery
09-27-2007, 10:44 PM
Jim, congrats to you! Bet you have it in good shape in no time! We have a new large lathe relatively speaking (about 5 years old) and then the little one I work on sometimes best we can figure was manufactured around 1938 and it works beautifully. So betcha you'll really enjoy your "new" lathe just as much! Jude

Bernie Weishapl
09-27-2007, 11:18 PM
Congrats Jim. Looks like a fine piece and will even be better when fixed up. Welcome to the never ending black hole of turning as the LOML calls it.:D