View Full Version : Finally, It Came In!

Christopher K. Hartley
09-27-2007, 8:33 AM
I got home last night to find a big Lee Valley box at my front door. It was my Kelton Hollowing Rig with some hollowers and the Laser Kit. I have it almost assembled and WoW, what a monster. It took quite a while but well worth the time. Now to get it dirty.:)

Paul Engle
09-27-2007, 10:15 AM
UH, where the pics? oh still in the hollower.......:D Be sure to post em when ya get em , the hf's , let us know how it worked. Congrats on the new tools, they should keep " Beauty" comfy at nite:rolleyes: :D

Jim Becker
09-27-2007, 10:16 AM
Hollow gloat without visual evidence! :D (Congrats)

Christopher K. Hartley
09-27-2007, 11:18 AM
UH, where the pics? oh still in the hollower.......:D...

Hollow gloat without visual evidence! :D (Congrats)I know, I'll get them out soon. I just don't want to offend anyone again.:)

Tyler Howell
09-27-2007, 11:33 AM
Didn't happen!!

Bernie Weishapl
09-27-2007, 11:36 AM
You got what Chris. I didn't see anything.:eek: :rolleyes: ;) :cool: Congrats Chris. Man you are going to have a first class outfit when you get done with that and Beauty.

Brian Weick
09-27-2007, 12:41 PM

Tony De Masi
09-27-2007, 3:25 PM
Bernie Weishapl;;) :cool: Man you are going to have a first class outfit when you get done with that and Beauty

Bernie, are we EVER really done?:D


Christopher K. Hartley
09-27-2007, 4:44 PM
Bernie Weishapl;;) :cool: Man you are going to have a first class outfit when you get done with that and Beauty

Bernie, are we EVER really done?:D

TonyGood one Tony!!!:D :D :eek:

Bernie Weishapl
09-27-2007, 4:46 PM
Nope Tony. It is a never ending hole as the LOML puts it!!:eek: :rolleyes: :cool:

Hilel Salomon
09-27-2007, 5:02 PM
Hurry and use it Chris,

I got one over two years ago at woodcraft and never set it up. Have it half way set up (needs a good bolt) but haven't a clue as to how to use, sharpen the tools that came with it. Just spent a lot of time hollowing out a large piece of cherry and I sure would like to use the hollower. I figure you'll be good at it and I'll learn from you.

Pete Jordan
09-27-2007, 5:11 PM
Is that Beauty strong enough to use that thing? You are not offending me. I want to see all the pictures you can post! I learn something from everyone's picture I see.

Bill Wyko
09-27-2007, 8:16 PM
Chris you big tease!!!! where's the pics?:cool: :D

Patrick Taylor
09-28-2007, 10:04 AM
Believe it when I see it..... ;)

Christopher K. Hartley
09-28-2007, 10:09 AM
You guys are unmerciful:eek: ...I'll get pics this weekend for sure.:D

Paul Heely
09-28-2007, 10:33 AM
I don't know..... I think if you had time to post you had time to take pictures :eek:

Congrats on the new tools, can't wait to see what it can do.

Christopher K. Hartley
09-28-2007, 5:34 PM
Here is what you asked for...it really did happen! It cuts beautifully, and is so easy to use. A real solid feeling. :eek: :)

Tom Sherman
09-28-2007, 5:38 PM
Chris that is a very substantial looking contraption should make them curlies fly.

Brian Weick
09-28-2007, 7:42 PM
Here is what you asked for...it really did happen! It cuts beautifully, and is so easy to use. A real solid feeling. :eek: :)

someone wants to make a drum for someone named,,,,,,,,,,,,-David --hmmmmmm, could it be---- is that what your up to-, the steady rest, the auger-all these new ad on's, ,,,,,,, it's all coming together, ,hmmmmmmmmm (scratching my for head) ,As soon as I see a log on there - it's a dead giveaway!
Very nice Chris, very nice!:D

Christopher K. Hartley
09-28-2007, 8:30 PM
someone wants to make a drum for someone named,,,,,,,,,,,,-David --hmmmmmm, could it be---- is that what your up to-, the steady rest, the auger-all these new ad on's, ,,,,,,, it's all coming together, ,hmmmmmmmmm (scratching my for head) ,As soon as I see a log on there - it's a dead giveaway!
Very nice Chris, very nice!:D
BrianHmmm, you must have missed it.:D http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=67127&d=1183231500 :)

Brian Weick
09-28-2007, 10:14 PM
Hmmm, you must have missed it.:D http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=67127&d=1183231500 :)

you are. So ~ your the one,,,,,,,,,,,your the one that's doing his drums ,,,,,,,,,,- I'm guessing you're doing the snare drum now-are you smearing something in my face Chris, it smells like sweet sawdust revenge ???? :mad: I new those new "items" you wanted were absorbed for some evil plan you've devised while bunkered down in your dungeon, alone, while looking at that "beast- the "behemoth" knowing your not feeding ,what she so desires ~ she wants it - it must have been excruciating for you Chris,,,,- So ,is this now her new diet,,,,, is it, or is she soon to return to her usual wooden pretzel sticks- ! :D
Listen ~ Seriously --- when your done with that turning , I have an idea, I did notice a few things that I wanted to bring to your attention, but there is one that concerns me the most, there is another member on here that is, well, shall we say ~ not properly balanced upstairs,and I think you may be next in line, you see that item on your lathe is rather large and so you don't fall victim to the same conditions ,let me help you, by all means-after that's finished, heres my idea, get some bubble wrap and wrap that turning -----real good, put it in a car board box, and in the middle of the box - put this on it ATT; Brian Weick, and my address below that and then ship that FED-EX ~ problem solved! you'll thank me later when you go in your shop ,and all of a sudden ,you realize that I did you a huge favor ;and now you have more room, hey, I'm here to help in any way I can, I'm just trying to be considerate for those that need "some help" . Speaking of help ,, as I said earlier that member is Ken Fitzgerald his shop is being renovated now and he is doing a great job but I was trying to give him some constructive criticism, see , he has this tall crate and some boxes laying around just taking up space, , I was going to come over , get them out of there - for free,:eek: can you imagine that! He turned me down,, I sure hope you have more common sense than he does,, anyways, ~ not more than 5 days pass and then I saw his post about "Me turning on my lathe" I think the phobic clutter condition has finally revealed it's ugly head. I think Ken needs some "help" Hey , I did offer, now look at him, I think Ken likes to live in squaller -- but hey, Chris, if you want to live like Ken F does ~ may god help you both ~~~~~~~ when you two wake up and smell the saw dust - give me call, I'm listed under "Organization (free) Applied Services" ~~~~~~~~~~~LOL :D
Have a great day Chris:)
Nice tools bud!