View Full Version : off center turning resource????

John Nowack
09-25-2007, 9:34 PM
At woodturners assocition meeting last week. One of the guys that does a local show on public television in Oklahoma had a set of snowmen. The basic concept seems like something I would like to try as a new turner. The buttons and eyes lost me a little and I was not sure how to turn the small buttons.

The main question is about "of center" turning. the arms were very cool and look almost like tiny rose stems with the tips cut off of the thorns (hard to describe) Everywere online about offcenter turning is about oval shaped bowls. Dors anyone know of a good place to recearch this.

As bad as my lathe wabbels i figure every peice I do is some form of off center turning so --thought I might try it out if it is not to complicated

Anna Vinding
09-25-2007, 11:32 PM
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but the October issue of Popular Woodworking has instructions on turning oval tool handles.

adam tracksler
09-26-2007, 6:50 AM
Check the new issue of american woodturner ...or woodturning magazine (I get both and cant remembr which one.I'm sure someone will correct me..they carry both at Barnes & NOble, so you can probably check them out...)...one of them has an article about off axis turning, which is what I think you mean....

joe greiner
09-26-2007, 7:59 AM
Hard to tell exactly what you're after. The only need I see for off-axis turning would be if you want the hat tilted: re-mount the piece off-axis with the spherical head on the lathe axis. Might be best to do that part first.

Does your WT club have a web site with a Show 'n' Tell gallery? Or a newsletter with images on the same site?

Adam: American Woodturner, Fall 2007, pp.37-38.
