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View Full Version : easy to apply topcoat over BLO

Andy Henriksen
09-25-2007, 11:13 AM
[I tried to search for this, but BLO is too short a word, apparently, and is only very rarely spelled out here...]

I've been a fan of Paste Wax over BLO for a while - easy, looks good, I don't need to clean brushes afterwards. However, the piece I'm ready to finish now is a cribbage board with dry transfer lettering on it. I am leary of the wax, because the buffing out process could potentially damage the letters. (I'm probably just being overly cautious)

What's an easy to apply top coat that won't get cloudy, won't require any sanding or serious buffing, and will give a smooth purty finish? I'm not committed to BLO as the first coat, either - I just like it.

Andy Henriksen
09-25-2007, 11:29 AM
Two more notes: The wood is myrtle - really cool looking streaky grain.

I also have some concern about the several hundred holes in the board. I don't want something too "goopy" that is going to clog up the holes and be difficult to remove. So I assume a thinner top coat(s) would be better - at least it would (I assume) run down into the bottom of the holes, rather than clog up at the top.

glenn bradley
09-25-2007, 11:50 AM
A clear dewaxed shellac would only slightly darken your wood. The vehicle for shellac is denatured alcohol. I am not sure how your lettering will like that. It is fast drying which would allow you to clear your holes after about 10 minutes. Just an idea, no experience other than knowing DNA will smear indelible ink marks so I would test it on some scrap lettering.

Doug Lindley
09-25-2007, 12:14 PM

Just a note on your search problems, If you type in blo in the "Google SawmillCreek" option in the search box then you will get plenty of pages of hits you can read through.


Andy Henriksen
09-25-2007, 12:53 PM

Just a note on your search problems, If you type in blo in the "Google SawmillCreek" option in the search box then you will get plenty of pages of hits you can read through.


Ah, yes. The google! good tip! Thanks!

Steve Schoene
09-25-2007, 9:29 PM
Waterlox is a good wiping varnish. It comes in three flavors, Satin, Original/Sealer, and Gloss. (The Gloss is a bit on the heavy side as a wiping varnish and may need a bit of thinner for easier wipe on application.) Frankly, with Waterlox, or other oil based finishes you might as well skip the BLO step, it will make almost no difference in appearance. (With a waterborne finish or even with a light shellac it may enhance grain more noticeably.)