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View Full Version : Losing Power?????

Patrick Licata
09-25-2007, 9:48 AM
I have an Epilog Mini 35 watt machine that is just over 2 years old.
For some reason I can't seem to cut through wood in a single pass like I used to. The majority of my machine work is engraving on plaque plates.
I have tried pieces of 1/4" wood that I cut with no problem before using the same settings (the ones recommended) but it takes multiple passes and chars. Also tried 3/32 alder, that I've cut before and using 1/8" settings it almost went through. I did upgrade the driver off Melco's site awhile ago, but I have also sent to job with the old driver too.
I tried focusing closer, no help. Any ideas???????
Thanks, Patrick

Craig Hogarth
09-25-2007, 10:25 AM
have you tried cleaning all the lenses or inspect for scratches?

Peck Sidara
09-25-2007, 11:06 AM

Inspect the mirror and lens by removing the lens assembly on the engraving head (2 Allen head screws). Look for scratches, delamination, pits, cracks etc.

Inspect the mirror on the far left side of the i-beam for the same defects.

With the machine turned off and unplugged. Remove the left side panel and inspect the window where the beam exits the orange periscope in the back left corner.

Turn on your red-dot pointer and make sure the air-assist nozzle didn't get pushed into the path of the laser beam.

Try manually focusing using gauge vs. auto-focusing.

If none of the above works or if you have any questions regarding the above...Call Tech Support 303.215.9171


Peck Sidara

Patrick Licata
09-25-2007, 12:20 PM
Well I forgot to tell you that I did clean the lenses.
So of course I was looking for a better answer than clean the lenses.
However I decided to take them off and clean them better and this time I took off the side panel and looked at the side lense, there was a very small blob of possibly rail grease on it. Looks like that may have been the culprit. SO the obvious reply was actually the one I needed.
I guess I'm always looking for the worst!!! Stupid Me!
Thanks Guys
Peck, I did look at the mirror and it kinda looks like little water spots on it that don't come off. The laser seems to be working fine now though. Is this something I should be concerned with??
Thank you all for your help.

Peck Sidara
09-25-2007, 12:27 PM

I wouldn't worry too much about water spots. Try cleaning them again using the recommended cleaner and some elbow grease. If they still don't come off and the machine's running fine, no harm, no foul.

If I had a dollar for everytime a customer told me the optics are clean, later to find out the culprit was a dirty optic.....:D

Kim Vellore
09-25-2007, 1:13 PM
Sometimes the water spot you see could be the grease that got burnt and discolored the mirror. It happened to me once when I was asked to put a masking tape on the mirror to check for the laser spot location, the laser burnt the tape and left something like a water spot on the mirror that would not come off with any amount of cleaning. Probably that is not a problem unless it is real bad.
