View Full Version : So....where's the trigger pulling dude..????

Dennis Peacock
09-24-2007, 6:00 PM
I need an update Ken Fitz....the trigger pulling dude. ;)

BTW, is the shop done yet??!!! Hugh?? Is it???? :rolleyes: :D

Nancy Laird
09-24-2007, 7:40 PM
He's probably in hiding, Dennis. He's gotten so much flak from us:D that he's just laying low until he finishes the shop, then he's going to do a large taa-daaa and show us the end result. I hope!;) :D

Nancy (88 days)

Jim Becker
09-24-2007, 7:49 PM
Umm....There is a note about it in the Moderator's Forum, Dennis. He's checking out how well his HS classmates have aged... :D

Nancy Laird
09-24-2007, 8:02 PM
Ah, yes. I remember now :rolleyes: he was flying back to Illinois for his class reunion. He's supposed to be back in Idaho tonight, has lots of month- and quarter-end work to do, and is having a house full of company this coming weekend--like 24 people!! It may be another week before we hear from him.:eek:

I hope he's having fun while we're sitting here on pins and needles waiting for him!:D

Nancy (88 days)

Ken Fitzgerald
09-24-2007, 10:54 PM
The old geezer's back.....

My classmates had never met Sharon. I was a little worried how she'd take it...that she'd get bored.....didn't happen.......We both had a good time......for the most part.......

Folks.....be greatful for those you love and have!

One of my classmates buried his wife in March, his FIL in May and his daughter, age 38, the afternoon of our reunion 9/22/2007.

One classmate and spouse buried their oldest son who committed suicide 2 weeks ago.

One class mate was burying his wife on 9/23/2007......

Some things are important and valuable in life....Most are neither!