View Full Version : Goodbye Logan

Gary Herrmann
09-22-2007, 12:41 AM
We're taking our 2 yr old Maine Coon to the vet tomorrow morning to have him put down. He has Feline Infectious Peritonitis. We've run tests, gone thru multiple rounds of antibiotics, tried all kinds of foods and have done saline IV drips at home for months.

Logan weighed 15 lbs 6 months ago. He weighs about 9 lbs now. I've explained to our son that he's very sick. I haven't told him about tomorrow yet. I didn't think he'd sleep. I'll tell him in the morning. I'll be strong for my son.

Nature of the disease is that we have to get rid of his condo, blanket - anything exposed to his bodily fluids or our next kitten (assuming) could catch it.

I keep walking into the living room to check on him. To pet him. To hold him.

I haven't heard him purr in weeks. I can hear him wheezing when I'm in the room.

I can feel and hear him purr in my head tho.

I didn't think I was a cat person. I was wrong.

Goodbye Logan.

Bruce Page
09-22-2007, 1:02 AM
Gary, you have my condolences. Often times we don’t realize how much we love a family pet.

Jim Dunn
09-22-2007, 4:24 AM
Gary sorry for your friend. It's not easy to put down a pet, but at times you've got to believe it's for the best.

Doug Shepard
09-22-2007, 7:12 AM
That sucks especially for such a young cat. I've had to have 2 (so far) put down. I do think it helps both you and the cat to be there with them when they go. They really seem to know what you're doing for them and purr away as if to reassure you that you're doing the right thing. It aint easy being there with them and a personal choice but I think it's worth it.

Andy Hoyt
09-22-2007, 7:40 AM
Cats have always hated me; which probably explains why my wife is always bringing them home. But the sole exception to this was Beulah (also a Maine Coon Cat). He and I were pals for many many years. He was a darned good pillow and an even better couch potato than I am. All 19 lbs. of him are sorely missed. A stiff upper lip and lots of hugging will get you and your family through these tough times so that the only thing remaining are the memories. Thankfully, those last forever.

Jim O'Dell
09-22-2007, 8:42 AM
I know it's hard to lose one so young. We lost our second Irish Setter on the operating table at about 9 monhs of age. It was really tough. Check with your vet about letting your son in to say goodbye after you do the deed. It will help him understand that the cat is gone, and maybe a little understanding why. I'll be thinking about you today. Jim.

Stephen Beckham
09-22-2007, 9:02 AM
Gary - we are in the same boat except our "Old Man" as I affectionally call him (almost 15 years old) is having breathing and arthritis problems. The vet gave us a warm felt - if he still purrs - he's still enjoying something.

We struggle with the idea of putting him down because of mobility and breathing problems. I give him a "What's up old man?" - as long as he gives me a chatter (can't really meow anymore either) and starts purrin - he'll have another day.

It's a hard decision. I don't look forward to the day I'll have do the same.


Jim Becker
09-22-2007, 9:27 AM
That's a sad situation, Gary, but it sounds like Logan is having a tough time. My sincere condolences to you and your family.

Jackie Outten
09-22-2007, 1:40 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. Animals truly are members of the family.
