View Full Version : Shop Fox Moulder?? Good Enough?

Michael Morocco Jr.
09-21-2007, 10:37 PM
I have heard about the Williams and Hussey moulder and how wonderful it is... Has anyone used the shop fox version? I read some reviews on amazon com and I'm still wondering how this thing will perform.. Anyone:confused:

Keith Outten
09-22-2007, 5:39 AM

There are a few people here who have commented on the ShopFox moulder including myself. Almost identical to the W&H moulder the ShopFox will accept the same knives and accessories and it the best value in its class IMO.

With or without the varible speed you will really enjoy the ShopFox.


Scott Whiting
09-22-2007, 11:59 AM
I have customers with both. Functionally they both work just the same. My guess is the W&H will be in better shape after 5 years production use but time will tell. Keeping oil in the gearbox seems to be the most essential maintenance on either of them. Everybody who has used one with and without the variable speed option say it is well worth the money.

Michael Morocco Jr.
09-25-2007, 12:10 AM
Thanks for all your comments. I see that it's almost half the money as the W&H and it makes me question the ShopFox purchase. Thanks for all the input!