View Full Version : Best (i.e., least expensive) LV BU Plane Source?

Danny Thompson
09-19-2007, 12:43 PM
I can't find a local source for Lee Valley Veritas Bevel-Up Planes. That takes me to the web, and once I start looking to the web, I find myself looking at price, shipping, tax, and service. I know Craftsman Studio discounts Lie Nielsen planes (had a good experience buying LN chisels from them), but they don't carry LVs. Do you know a good source?

Wiley Horne
09-19-2007, 1:03 PM

Unless you can find a killer deal, my advice is go to the source--Lee Valley. Reason: their customer service and after-sale support will exceed your expectations by a good margin. Anything goes wrong, a replacement is coming in the next mail, no questions, no charge. If they cut prices after you buy, they send you a rebate check. That kind of thing. Their tech support people are responsive as well. Go to Lee Valley.


Joe Meazle
09-19-2007, 1:33 PM
I use to live in Memphis. I was a midtowwner myself. The guys at Colco or Floyd over at The Wooodworking shop are not goin to be much help for high end planes.

As far as know Lee Valley is the Just about the oly way to get most Veritas planes. I know there are some other products that other distributors carry but I think the Planes are Just thourgh Lee Valley. What you have heard about Great service is true. I asked a question about diffence in knobs and totes on their planes in an online forum. and Rob Lee himself handled all my questions and took great care of me.

Again, I warn you you are aporaching a very slippery slope. Yow ill start caculating how many days of lunch money it takes to by your next plane. You might even consider selling bodly fluids to buy the next one. Or thinkng do my kids really need to go to college?

Your other option is to go LN. Some perfer their option over LV's. Most I have seen site they way it looks not the way performs. Yes it is a sexy plane. I happen to perfer the Norris adjuster that LV uses over the old Bailey design that LN uses. To each his own I have no intention of starting a LV v LN fight. Both are great planes. Back when I got mine the US dollar was donig better and the LV option could be had for about 1/3 less than the LN. That gap has shrunk. Flip a coin if you have to.

Good luck,

Jim Becker
09-19-2007, 3:11 PM
Lee Valley is the best source, IMHO, no matter what the cost. A small discount from somewhere else isn't going to materially affect your amortized cost over the life of the tool, so unless you have a really good relationship with someone local, order from "the source".

Randy Klein
09-19-2007, 3:14 PM
Lee Valley is the best source, IMHO, no matter what the cost. A small discount from somewhere else isn't going to materially affect your amortized cost over the life of the tool, so unless you have a really good relationship with someone local, order from "the source".

I second the sentiment.

Alex Yeilding
09-19-2007, 4:03 PM
Danny,As far as know Lee Valley is the Just about the oly way to get most Veritas planes. I know there are some other products that other distributors carry but I think the Planes are Just thourgh Lee Valley.
That's my understanding as well -- at least in North America; I think they have a European distributor as well.

A local store told me they would love to carry Veritas planes, but LV won't sell them to them. Less expensive items in the Veritas line are wholesaled to others, but not the planes.

So to the OP, if you can get a better online deal than LV on a Veritas plane, it is probably a used one, a forgery, or something else that screams "caveat emptor".

Richard Niemiec
09-19-2007, 4:32 PM
They pop up on ebay from time to time.

Andy Hsieh
09-19-2007, 4:51 PM
Now if you want to save a few bucks - from time to time (I have seen 2 in two years), they do show up used in classifieds on other forums or on other handtool forums but if you can't wait or just don't want to...I echo the sentiment to buy direct from Lee Valley - remember you are not just getting the plane, but above and beyond customer service. You won't regret it or have buyers remorse - they are excellent planes. Not sure what else I can say about the customer service - simply put - Spectacular.

There's that age old saying "don't lose site of the dime while trying to save the nickel"


lowell holmes
09-19-2007, 10:02 PM
I bought a L/N 4 1/2 smoother, but the bu jack came from LV. I satisfied that I made the correct decision (for me) on both planes. I think the LV bu jack is a slicker design and after getting the 38 degree iron for it, I'm really happy with it. I radiused the corners and put a bit of crown on the cutting edge. It leaves no tracks now with a fine set of the iron.

Danny Thompson
09-20-2007, 9:30 AM
Thanks for your advice, all. Since this is a hobby for me--I don't sell my work--and I'm not a collector, every tool I buy is essentially an expense. If I can save a little and still get the same quality tool, then great. On the other hand, some things are worth paying full price.

I'll probably look for a used one over the next couple of weeks and, if that doesn't work out, go straight to the source. If you hear of one--say a jointer or a jack--please pass my name along.

Thanks again.

Doug Littlejohn
09-20-2007, 8:56 PM
Danny, you can't go wrong with LV or buying it from them. I have never dealt with a more customer oriented company or honorable one either.

While you might find a used one, I wouldn't expect to save much unless you happen along one at a yard sale or maybe CraigslList if you're really quick.

Why? Because they generally don't sell for much less. LV's, LN's and the like, usually go for very close to full price with shipping often more than LV. In fact, I've seen them on Ebay go for more than regular price.

Good luck and get ready for your next decision, what angle iron to get !!:D

Robert Trotter
09-21-2007, 9:52 AM
I agree with Doug. And with the others about going to the source. It seems sometimes people are willing to go to all sorts of lengths to save only a few dollars for a second hand plane that, while you hope it is what it is said to be, may not be so. For the money you will have to pay out for a new plane (or a second hand one - expensive and near new cost anyway, as pointed out previously), unless you are saving in the tens of dollars, meaning a lot, then why bother.? For a couple of dollars more you get a "new" plane and buying direct through LV you get the best service in the industry. (LN also has GREAT service). I live in Japan and had a bit of trouble and a new plane was shipped no worries. And that is a lot of shipping on their behalf. Suffice it to say that through my dealings with LV I am willing to and do pay a little extra sometimes for items (that can be purchased online cheaper some other place) since I KNOW that if there is any problem , with the product or the shipping, then it WILL be fixed. Also I have gotten great advice when I needed it.

What more can you ask for a company to do?

If you are buyinga $10 plane then a couple of dollars makes a difference. But on over a hundred dollars, why penny pinch? Don't have the dosh, save a little while longer.

I am a "for myself only" woodworker as well, and because of this I don't like wasting money buying things twice. I think it better to put something off a bit and then get the best I can afford. Cheaper in the long run really.


PS. Sorry for the lecturing tone to the letter...Wasn't meant to be if you read it that way:D

Richard Niemiec
09-21-2007, 10:10 AM
I understand Danny's point of view, and believe me I am always on the lookout for a bargain or the best deal. On the other hand, bargain/deal hunting does take a bit of work and a certain amount of risk, e.g., buying off of ebay has its risks, searching out a used tool takes time (I spend a fair amount of time at garage/estate/fleas, but for me the "hunt" is part of the enjoyment). I can honestly say I've never, ever seen a LV or LN tool for sale at a flea or estate sale.

In the case of LV, I own several Veritas tools, I purchased direct from LV and never looked back; with LN, you can get slightly better prices from, say, The Best Things, but I noticed that in the case of the beading tool, you got more blades if you bought direct from LN (so I did), and in the case of certain bench planes, you were not getting the "improved" chipbreaker unless you bought directly from LN (at least that's the way I read the descriptions and this too may change over time as inventory rolls), so there are some variables. Both companies make high end, high performing tools of quality,and both have excellent customer service. So I wish you luck Danny, but it might take some time. regards.rn

John Todd
09-21-2007, 11:14 AM
I've ordered several LN Bench Planes from The Best Things. When ever I do, I first ask if their stock has the new chip breaker. Jodi at TBT is very honest and will give you an accurate answer. Because of the chip breaker I sometimes have bought from TBT, sometime directly from LN. TBE's prices are marginally better and they are totally reputable.

walter stellwagen
09-22-2007, 12:22 PM
Does anyone know if LV is going to reprice things given the very recent drop in the USD ? It is now on par with the Canadian.
