View Full Version : Project Post: Fun One Day Project...

Craig Thompson
09-19-2007, 1:52 AM
Being that I have been busy with getting the basement bath tiled and plumbed... after the 2nd job... after the 1st job... I had never got around to putting together the "vanity" for the bath.

I had put aside some nicely tigered maple from other jobs and threw this together today... Kinda fun to dedicate yourself to one project for a day.. and actually complete it! Once installed it will have a top mounted bowl as a sink.

I think I messed up by mixing some Maple ply scraps in with such cool legs.. but It was easier to cut up the leftover ply then deal with it being in a corner... so it will have to do.

The lower shelf is mortised into the legs, should allow for growing room, the rest is simple pocket screws, used my new pocket machine, yippee I love that thing.

Karl Laustrup
09-19-2007, 6:41 AM
WOW! You did that all in one day? Even the dovetailed drawer? That is a nice looking vanity. The wood ain't bad either! ;) :D


Mark Hulette
09-19-2007, 9:08 AM

Wow! Looks good especially for a one day deal! I like the design with the drawer down low and the pocket hole joinery. Oh and the wood's nice, too :D