View Full Version : Finally... A Multiple Gloat

Craig Thompson
09-17-2007, 11:20 PM
I was getting a little jealous of repeatedly logging on to see everyone elses gloats.. So I went out and parted with some cash just to post:D .

1st, Thanks to Aaron Hamilton, I found a long wanted addition to the shop. Kregg DK3100, 3 spindle pocket machine... yeah I know that it isn't a Kastle.. but it's still faster than one at a time. Not to mention monkying around with the manual clamps, etc, etc.

2nd, Since I crippled my old shop vac with a torpedo heater last winter on a job site.... ( almost as funny as it was scary ), and my 15 yr old dewaly ROS died a couple days ago.... I had to decide between a fein or festool system. Based on all of your ranting and raving.. I went with the Festool... CT33 and ETS 150/5.... used it tonight... love it, so far.

3rd, new vac system, I currently do not have the room for any machine that isn't moveable, so I went with the PM Dual Canister unit. 1900 CFM. Ran all the ductwork over the last week.. Ran some newly acquired Cherry for the next job, and it works great.

Mike Langford
09-18-2007, 12:14 AM
WOW! A triple gloat! Man,when you go for a gloat,you don't mess around! :D
You got some nice equipment there Craig.....ENJOY

......you wanna tell us the story about the heater/shop vac mishap? ;)

Kyle Stiefel
09-18-2007, 1:27 AM
Wow, that was a heck of gloat. So did you have to get the wife a new car for all your new toys?

Jay Brewer
09-18-2007, 6:06 AM
Nice gloats Craig, you are going to like the Kreg machine.

Jim Becker
09-18-2007, 8:14 AM
Ya, mon!! Most excellent gloats! Congratulations!

Keith Outten
09-18-2007, 8:14 AM
1900 CFM, you better keep pets and small children out of your shop :)


Mike Goetzke
09-18-2007, 9:20 AM
Nice gloat - looks like you need to c/o the bags already on that DC. (Nice to see it when people actually use their new tools)


Don Bullock
09-18-2007, 9:27 AM
Congratulations on your new equipment. It looks like dust collection in your shop got a super boost od suckage there. Enjoy.