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View Full Version : Woodpeckers router lift (5625 input especially)

Randal Stevenson
09-13-2007, 10:39 PM
I am currently building a router table that I currently have a Woodpeckers plate with a 5625. What I am wondering is do the lifts add much depth to the routers?

I want to make sure if they do, I plan for it now, in case of future upgrade.


Bill Huber
09-14-2007, 12:18 AM
I have a Jessem and it really doesn't add to the height of the router.

Here is a shot of my Bosch in the Jessem.


Now while you are building your table you may want to take a look at this thread.


It is working very well for me, in the last 2 days I have been doing a lot of routing and my router is clean and has no dust on it. There is a few larger chips on the bottom of the cabinet but that is all.

Randal Stevenson
09-14-2007, 12:22 AM

I did see that thread, and am considering it (building a table from several design idea's, no one set of plans).

I guess it's better to post on a full stomach. I ate, and had a DOH moment. Downloaded the plans/instructions for the lifts.:rolleyes:

Got a lot accomplished, just not eating....