View Full Version : Small Gloat

Dick Latshaw
09-13-2007, 7:49 PM
Went for a drive last weekend and this guy followed me home. Think I will keep him.:D


He had been sitting in a guy's shop for several years and had never turned any wood. The tool rest was still sealed in bubble wrap and the live center and drive spur were still in their packages.

$1400 delivered and set up (well, put together). The guy, who was REALLY STRONG, lifted the bed and the head stock out of his pickup by himself.:eek: Didn't want any help.

Dennis Peacock
09-13-2007, 7:56 PM
WOW!!!! Nice lathe there Dick!!!!! Congrats on what followed you home. ;)

Rich Souchek
09-13-2007, 7:57 PM
Rich S.

Bill Wyko
09-13-2007, 8:03 PM
Little gloat my asscot! Congradulations!!!!! Ain't it great to be in the right place at the right time.

Jim Becker
09-13-2007, 8:27 PM
Oh, my...that's beyond a gloat...it was a steal! :D

Harvey M. Taylor
09-13-2007, 8:34 PM
Dont be surprised if the sheriff comes a'knocking on your door with an arrest warrant for grand theft lathe.Got one myself , love it, you will too. Max

Steve Schlumpf
09-13-2007, 8:37 PM
Dick - congrats on your new lathe!!! Looking forward to seeing what you turn off of her!

Strong? The guy must have been a beast to lift what he did! Hey - at least you didn't have to!

Have fun - post soon!

Ken Fitzgerald
09-13-2007, 10:39 PM
Dick......If the cops get wind of this you'll be in jail for stealing that at that price! I just bought a new one.......At a much larger price! Congrats!

Bernie Weishapl
09-14-2007, 10:40 PM
Congrats Dick. That is one good looking lathe.

George Guadiane
09-14-2007, 10:52 PM
"Small" gloat???
Congratulations and welcome to the mustard club.

charlie knighton
09-14-2007, 10:57 PM

Dick Latshaw
09-15-2007, 1:12 PM
Thanks for the good wishes everyone. I think I will enjoy it. Now I have to move some things around to make space for it, and put the engine hoist back together.

By the way, I found the lathe on the local Craig's List, in amongst the Craftsman radial arm saws and the Ryobi cordless drills. Pays to keep an eye on that list sometimes.

Pete Jordan
09-15-2007, 2:59 PM
Welcome and congratulations!

It sure is purdy!

Tom Sherman
09-15-2007, 9:13 PM
That's quite a gloat Dick, seems that Mustard is all the rage this fall.