View Full Version : Legs for Cabinet?

Tommy Emmons
09-12-2007, 9:09 PM
I am about to (that's "fixin' to" in Texas) start an armoire for my sister-in-law that will be 60" tall, 38" wide, and 24" deep. The sides will be rail and stile type. My question is, can I attach 4" legs to the box, or do I need to make the legs integral to the rails? My concern is for the lateral stresses if someone tries to move the armoire. If I add the legs after I build the box, I plan to use wooden dowels to attach the legs. What are your recommendations, add separate legs or make them integral?

Neil Lamens
09-12-2007, 9:49 PM
Hi Tom:

Hard to say without a visual, but would a seperate base that your armoire rest on; be a better approach. 4 crafty legs connected by a front apron, 2 side rails and a back rail, with the 4 corners of the cabinet sitting on the legs, molding along the top of the apron and 2 sides.

Hope that kick starts a thought........Neil

Randy Denby
09-12-2007, 11:14 PM
I made an armoir for my brother a few years ago....it was huge. About 78" tall, 38" wide and 22" deep if i recall. If i had to do it over again, I'd split the bottom drawers from the top.It takes 3 guys to move this thing due to weight and to keep from scratching it.This is with the drawers and doors removed :eek: So...if you can make it in 2 sections, you'll be thanked everytime they move it :D