View Full Version : Gloat?

James Davis
09-12-2007, 2:02 PM
Here are some pictures of a Miter Jack that I picked up at an antique mall yesterday. When I went in the price was $70.00 but I looked up and the dealer was running a 20% off sale so this thing followed me home. I do not believe I would do this much work for $56.00. It still needs a good cleaning and a coat of wax. I am still giddy

Ken Werner
09-12-2007, 2:25 PM
Nice looking tool. I enjoyed making mine, and enjoy using it even more.


Mark Stutz
09-12-2007, 6:09 PM
James, nice score. I would love it if you (or Ken, or anyone else) would post some pics of this in action. I understand in priciple how they work, but am a very visual learner, and just can't see how the "jaws" are not destroyed in use.


Ken Werner
09-12-2007, 6:30 PM
They are - you gotta be careful.

Doug Littlejohn
09-13-2007, 4:46 PM
I too picked up one of these for a good price (big ole sucker) but have the same problem. I just cannot see how to use it without distroying its jaws.


mike holden
09-13-2007, 7:42 PM
Okay, I havent done this, but in reading, I saw mention of using thin cardboard, rubber cemented to the faces to protect them.
The one time I used one, in a class, we barely touched the face with the blade of the plane, the front and back of the plane are on the faces, and the plane is run "skewed" down the work piece. Works beautifully. The only two reasons I dont have one are: havent found a used one, and dont know where to get the threaded wood to make one.