View Full Version : "Turning Group Members and Their Lathes" (RESPONSE THREAD)

Christopher K. Hartley
09-12-2007, 9:15 AM
This is the place to make responses to the thread "Turning Group Members and Their Lathes"

Dario Octaviano
09-12-2007, 9:30 AM
I'm sorry....I will be slammed hard for this but I see this thread as nothing but showing off.

Look at me, I have the best lathe, etc. Some members have done so much of it already but I guess they cannot have enough attention.


EDIT: We are all entitled to GLOAT. I do that myself but to keep bringing it up? Come on!

09-12-2007, 9:37 AM
Dario, I don't see this a gloating, rather than getting to know the person and their machine that they produce work on. I am fully behind this, as I often wonder, hmmm what does that person look like? Or hey that's a nice piece, I wonder what they turn on? Sorry if you don't like it, but I do feel it has some merrit. Even if I was still turning on a POS I wiould still post. Shoot it would make me want to post even more. Say "Hey llok I have a POS and still turn just as nice of stuff as the guys with the big boys in their shops!!!


Nancy Laird
09-12-2007, 9:43 AM
Dario, I don't see this a gloating, rather than getting to know the person and their machine that they produce work on. I am fully behind this, as I often wonder, hmmm what does that person look like? Or hey that's a nice piece, I wonder what they turn on? Sorry if you don't like it, but I do feel it has some merrit. Even if I was still turning on a POS I wiould still post. Shoot it would make me want to post even more. Say "Hey llok I have a POS and still turn just as nice of stuff as the guys with the big boys in their shops!!!


BRAVO, Tyler!!!! I like it that we can see real pictures of the other turners here with their "babies" on which they turn out such beautiful work.

Now to clean the shavings off my lathe stand so people can see it!!

Nancy (100 days)

Dario Octaviano
09-12-2007, 9:45 AM

Good for you that you see the bright side on this. I did too but for me, it is clouded by something else. People can deny and say all they want but if they search hard enough within...maybe they will know what I mean.

JMHO too.

Brian Weick
09-12-2007, 9:55 AM
I'll clean myself up and get write on that- for sure- I think it's great!

I'll be posting mine later today - Chris- when is the stapler exhibit coming :eek:

09-12-2007, 10:02 AM
Brain, please step away from the stapler. You don't want to be in the hospital for another month do you. You know what happens when you get close to an electric stapler!!! Just stand donw private!!!

Brian Weick
09-12-2007, 10:10 AM
Brain, please step away from the stapler. You don't want to be in the hospital for another month do you. You know what happens when you get close to an electric stapler!!! Just stand donw private!!!

Yea- I know Tyler, I started to get excited , what a let down.LOL
I like the form Chris has put up for this I just hope everyong won't be listing responces on there as well.
Can we just copy that form and then past it as a standard format? Chris - can you make that a blank format for listings so we can copy it and then fill in the information accordingly-and a hyperlink from this post to the form area - that would work write? Not trying to take over Chris- pleae don't get the wrong impression- it's your idea and a great one at that.

Christopher K. Hartley
09-12-2007, 10:24 AM
Yea- I know Tyler, I started to get excited , what a let down.LOL
I like the form Chris has put up for this I just hope everyong won't be listing responces on there as well.
Can we just copy that form and then past it as a standard format? Chris - can you make that a blank format for listings so we can copy it and then fill in the information accordingly-and a hyperlink from this post to the form area - that would work write? Not trying to take over Chris- pleae don't get the wrong impression- it's your idea and a great one at that.
BrianI'm fine with all the suggestions but I'm not quite sure what you are invisioning. Help me out he a little bit, I'm just kinda slow.:D :o

Christopher K. Hartley
09-12-2007, 10:36 AM
I'm sorry....I will be slammed hard for this but I see this thread as nothing but showing off.
Look at me, I have the best lathe, etc. Some members have done so much of it already but I guess they cannot have enough attention.
EDIT: We are all entitled to GLOAT. I do that myself but to keep bringing it up? Come on!Dario, after reading this I had to self examine. I can see where you may have thought that and I am probably the worst offender. I will remember that in the future. Please understand that for me personally my sharing was not intended to be a negative for anyone and I am truly sorry for the way you were impacted. I took just as much pride in my first lathe and I have a feeling others do as well. Just like the post says "All lathes need recognition".Tyler summed up the intentions of this project very well and I hope you can see the spirit of that and join in and be a part.:) I would ask that you delete your post from the other thread so we can keep it for it's intended purpose. Thanks for the help.

Jeff Bower
09-12-2007, 10:40 AM
I think this is a great idea. I've never felt that anyone was "showing off" on this sight. Everyone should be proud of everything they do and have IMO. I will be posting a pic as soon as I can. Chris, thanks for the thread!

Brian Weick
09-12-2007, 11:00 AM
I'm fine with all the suggestions but I'm not quite sure what you are invisioning. Help me out he a little bit, I'm just kinda slow.:D :o

Hey Chris,
A form :

When did you join SMC?

How did you find out about this site?

What do you enjoy the most about SMC?

What is the make, model and year of your lathe?

What is your lathe's capacity/Specification?

Additonal side noted about the lathe?

PLease Inset Your images below under additional options after pasting this form to this thread.

they can copy this very nice form you made and past it into the posting? that way there is some uniformaity to the post - Just an idea Chris,

Bobby Perry
09-12-2007, 2:18 PM
I just posted a picture of my lathes and me check it Chris and see if that is what you wanted.

Christopher K. Hartley
09-12-2007, 2:50 PM
I just posted a picture of my lathes and me check it Chris and see if that is what you wanted. Right on Bobby, but ya did cheat a little on your picture.:D :eek: It's ok though cause that young lady looks to be the real pro. I love it!!:)

Bobby Perry
09-12-2007, 2:55 PM
Right on Bobby, but ya did cheat a little on your picture.:D :eek: It's ok though cause that young lady looks to be the real pro. I love it!!:)
The bottom picture is me I don't know the other guy :D:D

Christopher K. Hartley
09-12-2007, 2:59 PM
Great Pic and detail Mike, Thanks:)

Mike Vickery
09-12-2007, 3:00 PM
Alright I posted a picture. Just so everyone does not think I am a complete cheese ball. I did not hire someone to photograph me at my lathe. A while ago my neighbor who is a freelance Photographer asked if he could shoot me at my lathe for a project he was doing. I asked him to send me one of the pictures and this is what he sent.

Christopher K. Hartley
09-12-2007, 3:40 PM
Jude way to go, you made it work after all. Great to see you and know more about you. Thanks:)

Gary Herrmann
09-12-2007, 8:01 PM
Nope, nope, nope. Too depressing. Tore the biceps tendon in my left arm. Meeting with the surgeon tomorrow to pick a day. Too depressing to go downstairs and being able to do anything. Even after surgery, it could be 4-6 weeks before I can do anything. What little skill I've picked up will be long gone. Ugh.

Christopher K. Hartley
09-13-2007, 10:30 AM
Jim, Great picture, Thanks for posting it! That lathe looks as solid as a rock.:)

Christopher K. Hartley
09-13-2007, 10:47 AM
Nope, nope, nope. Too depressing. Tore the biceps tendon in my left arm. Meeting with the surgeon tomorrow to pick a day. Too depressing to go downstairs and being able to do anything. Even after surgery, it could be 4-6 weeks before I can do anything. What little skill I've picked up will be long gone. Ugh.Ouch Gary! Sorry to hear about the injury. I sure hope you heal fast and get back to spinny stuff as soon as you can. We're pulling for ya buddy!! I doubt you'll lose any of your skill.:)

Christopher K. Hartley
09-13-2007, 10:50 AM
Thanks for posting Phil, Great looking lathe but then I'm a bit bias. You'll have to get a pic by your other one as well and add it.:)

Kevin McPeek
09-13-2007, 2:02 PM
Alright I posted a picture. Just so everyone does not think I am a complete cheese ball. I did not hire someone to photograph me at my lathe. A while ago my neighbor who is a freelance Photographer asked if he could shoot me at my lathe for a project he was doing. I asked him to send me one of the pictures and this is what he sent.

Oh sure Mr fancy pants model. ;) I saw the whole production crew you hired that day. I drove past the house and you were sitting there getting your make up done.

Jim Becker
09-13-2007, 2:07 PM
Brian, that's a pretty kewl mini-lathe. When are you going to spring for the full-sized version?? LOL!!! (That old iron is absolutely wonderful!)

Mike Vickery
09-13-2007, 2:19 PM
Oh sure Mr fancy pants model. ;) I saw the whole production crew you hired that day. I drove past the house and you were sitting there getting your make up done.
Your just jealous that I am the best looking woodturner on the block :p

Christopher K. Hartley
09-13-2007, 2:37 PM
Your just jealous that I am the best looking wood turner on the block :p Well Mike you might well be, but we won't know for sure until Brian W. quits hiding behind his coffee cup. He reminds me of the guy on TV behind the fence and you only ever see his eyes.

Great Job there Brian! That sure is a bute!!:)

Brian Weick
09-13-2007, 2:47 PM
Yea- I told you its the HIC coffee addiction thing- I will take another one latter tonight-without the coffee mug-sorry. My red mug and me are inseparable!

Brian Weick
09-13-2007, 2:57 PM
Tim's neighbor-he uses the fence- I use my red mug! -LOL

Christopher K. Hartley
09-13-2007, 3:02 PM
Yea- I told you its the HIC coffee addiction thing- I will take another one latter tonight-without the coffee mug-sorry. My red mug and me are inseparable! Brian:)No problem Hey you're a coffee drinker after my own heart...my cup just hasn't become an appendage as yet.

Mike Vickery
09-13-2007, 3:38 PM
Well Mike you might well be, but we won't know for sure until Brian W. quits hiding behind his coffee cup.
As far as I know Brian does not live on my block ;)
Sorry it is a bit of inside joke, Kevin lives about 40 yards away. We have actually wheeled his lathe across the street to my garage for turner gatherings before.

Brian Weick
09-13-2007, 11:24 PM
I wish we were neighbors-all of us! I would absolutely love to do that! I envy you guys- the chance to get together! - that's priceless- and theres a lathe there :eek: !!!!!! I would absolutely love that! You guys are lucky- I mean that. So what do you guys do when you all get together? seriously?:confused: Do you start a turning? If it were me , I would suggest to put one blank on her and draw out a design and have every one take part in it- for sure-Drool!:eek:

Brian Weick
09-13-2007, 11:29 PM
No problem Hey you're a coffee drinker after my own heart...my cup just hasn't become an appendage as yet.

Funny guy,,,,,funny guy- that was good--- the appendage-yes!

Kevin McPeek
09-13-2007, 11:36 PM
Well Brian we do more talking than turning usually.
The first time we did it it was for a turn-a-thon for freedom pens. We actually turned some too. We also had a potluck and BBQ, and had a demo on a Legacy mill.
The next one we turned a few bowls and an ornament or two, Mike showed his prowess at bowl coring too. We did a lot of talking that time too.
It's getting about time to do another one though, we'll give it a month or so to cool off a little more (I saw 108 today).

Brian Weick
09-13-2007, 11:58 PM
Just to be able to get together with other turners is a great day,GREAT DAY!! I am a participator, not a sideliner ~ that's why I said - for every one to do there part in a turning. I like to see other turners styles- how they dive into the wood-what they do and why they do it that certain way - I am always open to learn from others. I don't turn bowls or pens- but i would definitely like to learn- that's for sure! But what ever you would do as a group ~ I would break it off into sections- It would have to be an ornamental piece of architecture. Something very ornate. I can think of several dozen pieces where every turner has to do a certain section- section it off person to person. It would be a combined SMC turners piece. Nothing ordinary-something very elaborate with everyones own unique piece of craftsmanship in the piece, and to think you would have others with you that appreciate the trade as much as you do ~ that's great! :)

Christopher K. Hartley
09-14-2007, 3:54 PM
Great pictures from both Steve and Nancy. I think those 1642 Jets are about as close to the PMs as you can get for to the runner up slot in number of owners. That little Woodtek is cool Nancy. By the way, don't forget about a pic of you and the Atlas.:)

Nancy Laird
09-14-2007, 4:38 PM
Hey, Chris, did you see my thread in the turning forum "another one bites the dust?" There's something in there that will be of interest to you.

Nancy (98 days)

Curt Fuller
09-14-2007, 11:45 PM
Well so far after looking at the mug shots of some of your fine turners I have to say that woodturners sure come in a lot of shapes and sizes.

You couldn't get that "Robust" grin off of Chris Hartley's face if you tried.

Bob Perry looks a lot different with his sunglasses off than with them on.

Mike V. looks like he could model for the Woodtuners foldout in GQ.

Jude, you threw me! My best friend named his son Jude (from the Beatles song) and I didn't realize you were a woman.

I love seeing all the "modern innovations" Jim King comes up with down there in the Peruvian jungle.

Phil, you and that Brent guy look like a couple dudes I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. C'mon, smile!

Brian, I love that lathe!

Steve, make a mess. That lathe is way too clean!

Nancy, what in the world do you store in all those cubboards? Can I put some of my junk in them?

Come on Bernie! I know you run a clock shop and things have to be clean but that's ridiculous. Do you have another lathe and set of tools that you turn with?

Mat Ashton
09-15-2007, 5:45 AM
I'm sorry....I will be slammed hard for this but I see this thread as nothing but showing off.

Look at me, I have the best lathe, etc. Some members have done so much of it already but I guess they cannot have enough attention.


EDIT: We are all entitled to GLOAT. I do that myself but to keep bringing it up? Come on!

One thing you forgot - you're well within your rights not to look at the thread - or is it you're far too curious;)

Now a more serious response

What's the difference if this were a forum for cars. You'd expect everyone to post pics of their rides - wouldn't you. Even if they're better than yours. So why are you getting up those that have good lathes and are posting them. It should be expected and encouraged you shouldn't be trying to stifle others enthusiasm. I for one have learned something - there's a new lathe on the market that looks really good - Robust 25 lathes. How am I suppose to find this out if people don't SHARE. I loved the pics of the Oliver. Years ago I had it's little brother and still today regret selling it. You see things people have on there lathes and think "hey that's a good idea..." Please, everyone post more. If I have a pic I can dig up, it'll be up real soon of my lathe.

As for it keeps being brought up. That's one you'll really need to learn to get over. The internet and forums like these where people come and go by the thousands, subjects like this will continue to be rehashed over and over for all eternity.

Nancy Laird
09-15-2007, 2:13 PM
Nancy, what in the world do you store in all those cubboards? Can I put some of my junk in them?


Short answer: NO!

Longer answer: lots of small "stuff" - boxes of chip brushes and paint brushes, rubber/nitrile gloves, hot glue gun, tap and thread kits, just lots of stuff.

LOML inherited a lot of "stuff" from his father that he can't bear to part with, so those cabinets have a lot of those things in them. We have so many places in our shop to stash stuff that things get lost. For example, we have a 13-pin boring machine that he bought a set of bits for. He put them "away", and when it came time to use them, he couldn't find them :o and had to buy another set. (:eek: Have you priced those things???) We still haven't found the first set!!:mad:

Nancy (97 days)

Nancy Laird
09-15-2007, 2:15 PM
That little Woodtek is cool Nancy. Thanks, it's a cool little machine to work on too. By the way, don't forget about a pic of you and the Atlas.:)

Chris, I'll have to roll it out of its corner before I can take a picture, but I will---soon.

Nancy (97 days)

Bernie Weishapl
09-15-2007, 2:41 PM
Well so far after looking at the mug shots of some of your fine turners I have to say that woodturners sure come in a lot of shapes and sizes.

You couldn't get that "Robust" grin off of Chris Hartley's face if you tried.

Bob Perry looks a lot different with his sunglasses off than with them on.

Mike V. looks like he could model for the Woodtuners foldout in GQ.

Jude, you threw me! My best friend named his son Jude (from the Beatles song) and I didn't realize you were a woman.

I love seeing all the "modern innovations" Jim King comes up with down there in the Peruvian jungle.

Phil, you and that Brent guy look like a couple dudes I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. C'mon, smile!

Brian, I love that lathe!

Steve, make a mess. That lathe is way too clean!

Nancy, what in the world do you store in all those cubboards? Can I put some of my junk in them?

Come on Bernie! I know you run a clock shop and things have to be clean but that's ridiculous. Do you have another lathe and set of tools that you turn with?

Curt I actually have 3 lathes. A midi Rikon, a C-man which I leave the monster HF tool setup on and the Nova. The picture you see is when it was brand new and I hadn't turned a thing on it yet. It doesn't look the same today. :D

Bob Hallowell
09-16-2007, 12:47 AM
I noticed a big green fan shaped tool with a long handle on it hanging on your wall. Is that some sort of texturing tool?:D


Brian Weick
09-18-2007, 1:28 PM
Sasha's picture comes up as a red X but I received a PM form Sasha that the picture is visible? anyone know why I can't see it? Explorer- latest version.

Rick Huelsbeck
09-18-2007, 3:07 PM
Right click the red x, and select properties on the menu. On the popup you will see a web address, copy and paste that to the browser address bar, you will see the pic, then when you click the back arrow you will the pic on the post.

Brian Weick
09-18-2007, 3:23 PM
thank's - I wasn't sure what the problem was? Now i know -thank you

Bruce Shiverdecker
09-25-2007, 9:51 PM
I Will be posting my little beasty, but I'm not sure most of you use these lathes............................................ ...... how are you all able to keep them soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo clean and still get anything turned?

Just shined it up for the Picture??????????????

My picture will be MESSY!


Brian Weick
09-25-2007, 10:32 PM
Bruce- Way To Go! - your question: "soooooooooooooooo clean"
this thread is just so members of this forum can all see what we make our turnings on and who were talking with, so the next time we call them an idiot or something along those lines we can put a face to it as well -
" isn't that special " -LOL . Just Kidding Bruce:rolleyes:
we don't do that!:(
We may have one on the biggest heap of shavings thread - with the turner in the pile - up to the waist, maybe? we should do one with some video of turnings- that is something I want to talk with some other members and the administrator about. More of an educational thread where we can all learn something new. I don't know what our options are or if it would even be something others want to participate in - but it is something I have been thinking about - well have to have a thread on that some night- video of a turning- If we can get that off the ground ~ now that's a thread worth watching- literally :D , I'll get it started sometime soon, but not tonight.
glad to see you joined in Bruce- :) WTG!

Jason Christenson
10-01-2007, 3:26 PM
I just read through the original thread. I enjoyed seeing everyone and their equipment, I also added a picture of my own.


Brian Weick
10-02-2007, 3:59 PM
Nice little tutorial , well done!