View Full Version : Just Wondering If Anyone is Interested

Christopher K. Hartley
09-10-2007, 12:36 PM
I was preparing a picture this weekend for Brent where I am standing by Beauty and I got to thinking. I thought it would be nice to have a place where we could click on a name and up would come a picture of Man(Ladies as well) and Machine. Two questions, first, anyone ever felt the same? Second, is it even possible on the website? I have one that is 1024 X 773 and compressed to 60% comes out to 107kb so it doesn't take a lot of room. Just thought I'd ask.:confused:

09-10-2007, 1:11 PM
Yup, but no one would be interrested in seeing me!!!

Mike Vickery
09-10-2007, 1:35 PM
That would be interesting.
Tyler - just take the picture with your face mask on, everyone would appreciate it ;-)

Alex Cam
09-10-2007, 1:46 PM
I was preparing a picture this weekend for Brent where I am standing by Beauty and I got to thinking. I thought it would be nice to have a place where we could click on a name and up would come a picture of Man(Ladies as well) and Machine. Two questions, first, anyone ever felt the same? Second, is it even possible on the website? I have one that is 1024 X 773 and compressed to 60% comes out to 107kb so it doesn't take a lot of room. Just thought I'd ask.:confused:

Since you asked, I'd love to get my picture taken next to your lathe. Just bring it on by the house!

Ken Fitzgerald
09-10-2007, 1:56 PM
Alex.....Stand in line! You can have it after I'm done with it! Chris...I PMd you directions and my home address! Call when you are about 4 hours away, I"ll start the grill!:eek: :rolleyes: :D

Jeff Bower
09-10-2007, 2:01 PM
I like this idea too....both getting my picture taken next to Beauty and being able to click on a name to see them with their lathe.

Jim Becker
09-10-2007, 2:03 PM
Oh, I can see this is going to have to be a thread to watch...

Chris, it's technically easy to map a name to an image file on a website.

Christopher K. Hartley
09-10-2007, 2:14 PM
Yup, but no one would be interrested in seeing me!!!That's why we want you by your Lathe...to make you look good!:D

Christopher K. Hartley
09-10-2007, 2:15 PM
Since you asked, I'd love to get my picture taken next to your lathe. Just bring it on by the house! You guys! We can do that too but for now let's go with your Lathe, OK?:D

Christopher K. Hartley
09-10-2007, 2:16 PM
Alex.....Stand in line! You can have it after I'm done with it! Chris...I PMd you directions and my home address! Call when you are about 4 hours away, I"ll start the grill!:eek: :rolleyes: :DGrill...Magic words...:D :D

Christopher K. Hartley
09-10-2007, 2:21 PM
I like this idea too....both getting my picture taken next to Beauty and being able to click on a name to see them with their lathe.Ok Jeff stand in front of a green drop and have your photo taken or just come out to Spring. It will sorta look like this...http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=66888&d=1182774380

Christopher K. Hartley
09-10-2007, 2:23 PM
Oh, I can see this is going to have to be a thread to watch...

Chris, it's technically easy to map a name to an image file on a website.I just wondered if we could do it here with no problem.:) Your right I can already tell this is going to be a hoot!!:eek:

Jude Kingery
09-10-2007, 2:31 PM
Might give it a try if I can find a picture my husband took of me by my lathe for a woman I've been friends with since highschool and haven't seen her since then. I'll look and see if I can find it, fun idea! Jude

Alex Cam
09-10-2007, 3:35 PM
Alex.....Stand in line! You can have it after I'm done with it! Chris...I PMd you directions and my home address! Call when you are about 4 hours away, I"ll start the grill!:eek: :rolleyes: :D

Let's resolve this like gentlemen. We'll share -- every other week seems reasonable, I just thought it would be a lot of driving for Chris. But if that's what he has to do, I'm sure he'll step up to the plate.:D

Bart Leetch
09-10-2007, 3:48 PM
Might give it a try if I can find a picture my husband took of me by my lathe for a woman I've been friends with since highschool and haven't seen her since then. I'll look and see if I can find it, fun idea! Jude

Please resize to 640 x 489 this will show up as a thumbnail & become larger when clicked on to we can see details.

Brian Weick
09-10-2007, 4:06 PM
I'm all for it! :D

Christopher K. Hartley
09-10-2007, 4:08 PM
Might give it a try if I can find a picture my husband took of me by my lathe for a woman I've been friends with since highschool and haven't seen her since then. I'll look and see if I can find it, fun idea! JudeWonderful!! First taker and a great picture at that. Come on Ladies you can beat the guys at this!:D :D Thanks Jude!:)

Christopher K. Hartley
09-10-2007, 4:09 PM
Please resize to 640 x 489 this will show up as a thumbnail & become larger when clicked on to we can see details.Works for me.:)

Christopher K. Hartley
09-10-2007, 4:11 PM
I'm all for it! :D
BrianNot Fair!!!!!! We'll have to resize you just to see you along side that Monster Lathe!:eek: :eek: :D

Brian Weick
09-10-2007, 4:34 PM
Chris ,
Your way off , way off ~ I was going to take a picture of me with my most prized possession ~~~one I don't share with many people , let alone touch her ~~but I digress, I will remove her from her glass house display case ,,,,,,,,,,,just for this occasion- ~~~~~ but only once ~ my "Bosch 110 vlt ,magnetic hammer recoil electric stapler" she takes staples from 3/16" to 1/2" and drives them home with one quick pull of my twichy caffeine trigger happy finger in 1/10th of a second! :eek: - Listen, I know that's very intimidating , I know I shouldn't ~ but I am sure you will recover from the awe! :D LOL :p

Christopher K. Hartley
09-10-2007, 4:58 PM
Chris ,
Your way off , way off ~ I was going to take a picture of me with my most prized possession ~~~one I don't share with many people , let alone touch her ~~but I digress, I will remove her from her glass house display case ,,,,,,,,,,,just for this occasion- ~~~~~ but only once ~ my "Bosch 110 vlt ,magnetic hammer recoil electric stapler" she takes staples from 3/16" to 1/2" and drives them home with one quick pull of my twichy caffeine trigger happy finger in 1/10th of a second! :eek: - Listen, I know that's very intimidating , I know I shouldn't ~ but I am sure you will recover from the awe! :D LOL :p
BrianAWE, my foot...I'm scared to death...it's that "twichy caffeine trigger happy finger" that strikes fear in my heart!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

Brian Weick
09-10-2007, 5:05 PM
AWE, my foot...I'm scared to death...it's that "twichy caffeine trigger happy finger" that strikes fear in my heart!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

I had to pick myself off the floor from laughing so much! - glad you have a great sense of humor Chris-way to go!:D touché

Ken Fitzgerald
09-10-2007, 5:16 PM
Let's resolve this like gentlemen. We'll share -- every other week seems reasonable, I just thought it would be a lot of driving for Chris. But if that's what he has to do, I'm sure he'll step up to the plate.:D

Sounds good to me Alex. Chris would have been better off buying a mini or midi for interstate use but that's what I like about the guy! He knows quality and he's very generous and share's with all his friends! I'll start sticky on the turner's forum with a sign up list. I know a lot of other folks would love to turn on "Beauty"!:D

Christopher K. Hartley
09-10-2007, 5:43 PM
Sounds good to me Alex. Chris would have been better off buying a mini or midi for interstate use but that's what I like about the guy! He knows quality and he's very generous and share's with all his friends! I'll start sticky on the turner's forum with a sign up list. I know a lot of other folks would love to turn on "Beauty"!:DWith no more time than I'm getting to log, maybe I should treat this like a time share. What do you think?:D

Brodie Brickey
09-10-2007, 7:07 PM
drives them home with one quick pull of my twichy caffeine trigger happy finger in 1/10th of a second! :eek:

1/10th of a second? How do you handle the recoil with that twichy caffeine trigger happy finger. :confused: There should be staples stitched all over the shop!:eek:

09-10-2007, 7:34 PM
OHHHH you want us to go ahead and send them in? Hmmmm have to find camera, clean up garage so you can actually see the lathe, get a hair cut, shave, loose 20 pounds. Man I'm pooped just thinking about it! Maybe in a year I could get this all done. Except the shaving, I'm still thinking about that one. Maybe you'll just have to see my scruffyness. Hey it might actually produce better, less scarry results!!!

Brian Weick
09-10-2007, 9:02 PM
1/10th of a second? How do you handle the recoil with that twichy caffeine trigger happy finger. :confused: There should be staples stitched all over the shop!:eek:

There is a lot more to it than that Brodie,
Yes-it did happen one Friday night back in late October ,1983 , it was a cold damp evening with thunderstorms spiking down all around my humble abode~ they lit up the house like a 10,000 watt light bulb, and off in the corner of my dungeon well window gleamed my prized possession; shining through her 1/4" plate glass house, I don't remember anything after that, it all happened so fast, but it was to late! ~
There are the remnants of that evening spent with my most prized possession ,alone,,,,,,,, out from under her locked castle ~ me on my usual 5 cups of HIC coffee ~ twas not a wise move to make with my selection that evening ~ here in lyes the rub, the addiction~ and "the rest of the story" The phrase "out of control" is as close as I can get to a definition, that's an understatement actually, between the caffeine addiction and my most admired, my most prized tool out of it's dwelling ``````````I'm done for! , but I am a wise man non the less , with some; limited, although-week will power. -I know now to just admire her from behind her glass fortress, as I know, to bring her out would create massive cerebral chaos and uncontrollable finger twitching, urges of which I am hopeless to control!,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Well, I must break and regain my composure to continue this story -it is very emotional for me! well, it is time to disclose to all ~ my affliction - I do suffer from HICAS - not a very well known disease because most of the symptoms remain in the proverbial "closet" . we don't actually know how many others are out there; suffering as I do- can't get a good head count! the symptoms are that we don't want to admit that something has gone slightly "a rye" upstairs. The touch of a tool seems to trigger a chemical neurological brain activity that in it's own way of presenting itself; resembles cheese ~ slowly sliding off a cracker,in conjunction of this metamorphosis our mouths can't keep up with our thoughts, sounding like some bumbling closet woodworker on a crusade to staple anything and everything that is within reaching distance!!!,,,,,, there is a cure- plate glass and a good lock from your local hardware store, or the Internet, or - never-mind! anyways, it's merely a symbol of security - a reminder of a day that you can not take back! I will post pictures of my most prized Bosch stapler and me ` separately~ mind you,~ she will be left behind ,securely ,in her glass case ;for addictions precautions of which; the likes you could not possibly fathom!!!! High Impact Coffee And Stapling- yes:eek: drool!

Ken Fitzgerald
09-10-2007, 9:06 PM
Is it bourbon or scotch providing the IMPACT in HICAS?:eek: :rolleyes: :D

Brian Weick
09-10-2007, 9:31 PM
Is it bourbon or scotch providing the IMPACT in HICAS?:eek: :rolleyes: :D

Thanks Ken-I was waiting for your lovely sweet coments to appear on this one- for sure! - How come I knew you would say something, I think it has to do with the way we put our thoughts down through word selection - Which I think you do extremely well!. I am not a writer, however; Ii did stay at a holiday in! -LOL
no- no Bourbon, just my tool sense of humor Ken- I was getting razzed by Chris about my lathe again with the pictures and machines combined idea- which , by the way,I think is a really great idea! I'm going to do it- for sure! so I thought I would surprise him with one of my "evening of tools" suspence stories . :D
Happy Turning Ken:) but beware:eek:


Bill Stevener
09-10-2007, 9:31 PM
OK Chris, I will submit a photo. You can thumb nail it and place it in another thread if one is started, but hear it is. :eek:


Mike A. Smith
09-10-2007, 9:35 PM
OK Chris, I will submit a photo. You can thumb nail it and place it in another thread if one is started, but hear it is.

Chris, 'Beauty' is well named, but I think Bill has the prettiest lathe I've ever seen!

Brian Weick
09-10-2007, 10:28 PM
OK Chris, I will submit a photo. You can thumb nail it and place it in another thread if one is started, but hear it is. :eek:


Bill- :eek: do elaborate about that lathe of yours- please! How it was made who made it - the wood it's made from, the pedal drive system- everything and anything about her! she is gorgeous! stunning- what a showpiece!
great lathe! I hope you post your response.
Happy turning

Bill Stevener
09-10-2007, 10:39 PM
Brian, I think this will still work?


Brian Weick
09-10-2007, 10:50 PM
thank you, thank you, thank you! I think that is the most beautifull lathe I have ever seen- what a lathe-WOW! :D
Happy Turnings:)

Bill Stevener
09-10-2007, 10:56 PM
Thank you Brian and Mike, but the man power thing is beginning to get to me, I'm a bit more content with just flipping a switch. ;)

Brian Weick
09-10-2007, 11:12 PM
Thank you Brian and Mike, but the man power thing is beginning to get to me, I'm a bit more content with just flipping a switch. ;)

you can't; but just sit back and simply drool over that lathe- but not "literally" ~ over the lathe-please! :o

09-11-2007, 10:08 AM
Bill, how much would it cost you to send that to me? Whatever it costs you, I don't care, I just have to have that lathe!!!:D

Simply a beautiful piece of work. You did yourself proud with that thing!!

How is it to turn on??

Mike Ramsey
09-11-2007, 1:10 PM
OK Chris, I will submit a photo. You can thumb nail it and place it in another thread if one is started, but hear it is. :eek:

As I said a year or so ago...that is one Gorgeous piece of work!!!
Still can't believe that stupid horse won first place!!

Christopher K. Hartley
09-11-2007, 9:16 PM
I now have a total of three pictures to start the process. Is there a moderator to send them to for posting on a separate link or what?:)

Brian Weick
09-11-2007, 10:05 PM
So Chris what are we doing about the P&M pictures. Can't you ( or someone) just start a post on this - or is that against SMC rules? I wouldn't think so - ? the title could be "Members & Machines" - Just state who you are , how long you have been a member of SMC ,how you found out about the site and what you enjoy the most about SMC, that could help out with the donations as well! people may start to really enjoy this place more and realize the benefits of being a member? just an idea. Then describe the tool/machine that you most admire from all the rest and why, and then a little about the machine, where it came from , any specifications - history, I would not break it down by tool etc TS /Planner /Lathe-etc, I am afraid that may not yield as good of results as far as input goes - then maybe explain what the machine is capable of sawing/ripping/turning/sanding/planning-etc, any little accessories that go with the machine- maybe something you had custom made for it/ or even crafted by yourself. It would really be great to be able to post a form write on SMC with the thread - like they do with the polls, or post a printable form for everyone so there is some organization to the posting when they input the information. I am just throwing some ideas out there Chris, But I think that would be great way of getting some involvement from people and get to know members and maybe some machine or toll that you never saw or heard of before.
what do you think?:confused:

Jude Kingery
09-11-2007, 10:15 PM
Wow, Bill, now that is one cool set up. Rather resembles a pipe organ (I like to play key boards as well as turn). Thanks Ken. And for Tyler, hey, we don't mind scruffy, no prob! Glen came home today and said hmm, you've been in the shop (Cherry shavings from head to toe). Yep, how can you tell? HA! Have a good one to all. Jude

Christopher K. Hartley
09-12-2007, 8:00 AM
So Chris what are we doing about the P&M pictures. Can't you ( or someone) just start a post on this - or is that against SMC rules? I wouldn't think so - ? the title could be "Members & Machines" - Just state who you are , how long you have been a member of SMC ,how you found out about the site and what you enjoy the most about SMC, that could help out with the donations as well! people may start to really enjoy this place more and realize the benefits of being a member? just an idea. Then describe the tool/machine that you most admire from all the rest and why, and then a little about the machine, where it came from , any specifications - history, I would not break it down by tool etc TS /Planner /Lathe-etc, I am afraid that may not yield as good of results as far as input goes - then maybe explain what the machine is capable of sawing/ripping/turning/sanding/planning-etc, any little accessories that go with the machine- maybe something you had custom made for it/ or even crafted by yourself. It would really be great to be able to post a form write on SMC with the thread - like they do with the polls, or post a printable form for everyone so there is some organization to the posting when they input the information. I am just throwing some ideas out there Chris, But I think that would be great way of getting some involvement from people and get to know members and maybe some machine or toll that you never saw or heard of before.
what do you think?:confused:
Thanks Brian, you reminded me that it is better to act and beg forgivness if necessary than to not act at all. So, here goes.:)