View Full Version : Removing Antique Oil Finish

Alex Cam
09-10-2007, 11:35 AM
I've gone and gummed up a perfectly good AO finish by not wiping down the second coat good enough. It pooled in the bottom and made a mess.

What's my best option here -- sand it down and re-apply another coat? If so, what grit? Could I use some sort of DNA or lacquer-thinner to remove it?

Frank Kobilsek
09-10-2007, 2:39 PM

Try rubbing it out with a soft paper towel and mineral spirits.

It was warm and dry in the shop Saturday and I put a coat of Antique Oil on a piece just before the phone rang. By the time I got back to it it was a sticky mess. I dampened a paper towel with mineral spirits and buffed it up. Turned out fine, but that was only about 45 minutes of delay.


Bernie Weishapl
09-10-2007, 7:59 PM
Alex I had the same thing happen. I went to Wal-Mart and bought one of those synthetic scratch pads. I poured some of the antique oil in the bottom and use the pad on it. Then took a paper towel and it came right out. Mineral spirits will work to and probably better but I didn't have any so improvised.