View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
09-10-2007, 9:43 AM
Good Morning
10 Sep 2007

I hope all of you had a nice weekend. It's been raining and storming here for what seems like forever, but it's still raining today. Sure wish you could spread this rain out over the dry summer months so it'd be an even rain for every month. ;)

Been working on vacuum veneering the curved ends of the kitchen table. I'll have the remaining curved end veneered today. I'm really enjoying the vacuum press and don't know how I got along without one.

Came home from bass playing at church yesterday only to find that the A/C in the house went out. Needless to say, I'm spending some time this morning to call someone out to fix it. I slept lousy last night because it's so hot in the house and ain't much better outside. :(

Any way...better get out of here and busy making phone calls.

So what did YOU do this weekend???

Best of weeks to you all.

Scott Whiting
09-10-2007, 10:07 AM
I actually made sawdust in addition to grinding dust on Saturday. The cart is holding a Spiral cutter grinder. Because it has a part that moves parallel to the floor I sized the cart so, depending on which position the machine is in, the spindle is either 2" above my elbow or 3" below. Good thing I had plenty of clamps as the fine materials from Home Depot needed a bit of encouragement to conform to each other.:D

Matt Meiser
09-10-2007, 10:08 AM
Another exhausting weekend here. Friday afternoon/evening I finished up installing the bathroom cabinetry. On Saturday I first tackled the mess in the shop and got everything put away and the floor thoroughly vacuumed. Then I moved the clawfoot tub outside and used a wire cup in my grinder to clean up the outside, followed by a phosphoric acid wash, then a water rinse and a thorough drying to get it ready for painting. The faux painter we hired also came on Saturday to get the base coat painted. Sunday we got up and went to my parents for breakfast, then my brother and I headed to the car show that the UAW sponsors at the Toledo GM Powertrain plant. It was a little smaller than usual due to morning rain, but we still spent about 3 hours walking around to see everything. My brother dropped me off at home and I got the tub primed before heading back to my parents for dinner. hat I should be able to get the tub painted tonight which will give it a couple weeks to harden up before being moved into the house. That will leave making a transition strip to go between the tile floor in the bathroom and the carpet in the bedroom as the only thing left that I can do until the painter finishes.

Oh, in the middle of all of that, I took a little time to install this outside my shop:

I picked it up at a flea market a few weeks ago, from a guy who retired from a job maintaining parking meters for the City of Akron, OH. When they replaced them with electronic meters, he bought a whole bunch of them at the city's auction and modified the locks so you don't need the key and resold them. It goes well with the old gas pump I restored a few years ago. I noticed after I put it up that it was made by Rockwell Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, PA, so it matches my bandsaw :D.

Jim O'Dell
09-10-2007, 10:11 AM
I must have had a sympathy bad nights sleep for you. What's weird, is I don't feel tired today.
I spent a couple hours Sat, and all day Sunday working on making, then redoing some mistakes on my router table,:rolleyes: Didn't get as far as I wanted to, but I should be able to finish up this next weekend. Thinking about taking tomorrow afternoon off to do some on it if the workload will allow. I mean, what are they going to do, fire me???:D :D Actually I have about 7 extra hours to make up that my current co-worker has taken off. So it's time I'm due.
We've had a little drizzle over the weekend, but nothing significant. Do have some lightning and thunder and rain going on right now, but we're on the tail end of the big stuff. Have a good week all! Jim.

Hey Matt....That is cool! My dad was the street superintendant and airport manager for our little town back home. I've got several old street signs, stop, no parking, etc, and a center hung street light. Can't come up with a place to put it , though.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-10-2007, 10:32 AM
Moved "stuff" from the west half of the shop to the east half. Shoveled 3+ 35gallon bags of shavings, dismantled the diving board turning bench, caulked plywood walls for preping for priming. Bought materials to trim out windows in the shop. Trimmed out windows and more cleanup.

Eddie Watkins
09-10-2007, 10:49 AM
I finished the "big toy". This is a slide/swing/playhouse combination LOML bought at Sam's Club for our granddoughter. The thing has been a mission. There was 100 steps and an unbelieveable amount of pieces. Also got enrolled in a turning class at the local votech.


Nancy Laird
09-10-2007, 11:21 AM
Just more of the same - laser jobs, laser jobs, laser jobs. One added joy this weekend was a visit from my truck-driver son--on his way to California and he managed to carve two whole days from his trip to stay with us. Spent money, got my craft fair stuff all sorted out and loaded into the trailer (first show is this Friday), and had a nice breakfast out with LOML on Sunday. 'Twas a good weekend, just a trifle busy.

Nancy (102 days)

Jim Becker
09-10-2007, 11:30 AM
Busy weekend...but coming at the end of another vacation week (at home and in the shop this time), it wasn't so bad. Karate/Swimming at the Y started on Saturday and I got that run so Professor Dr SWMBO could prepare a pasta salad for a picnic we attended later in the day. Sunday, it was time to mow the lawn after a few weeks of ignoring it, but with little rain, it wasn't all that long. I also scavenged the trash pile from the framers on our addition for usable material...and got nearly enough to do a good part of the lumber racks I have planned for the upper level of my shop building. No sense in good material going into the landfill and yes, I confirmed with my GC that he was fine with it.

71616 71617

Oh, and I got into the shop for a little while to finish sanding the vanity door frames and fitting the hinges. Time to get started on the final finishing! (I have a week's worth of pictorial to post on that subject in the requisite thread)

Larry Fox
09-10-2007, 12:34 PM
Finished building and started finishing the second of two dressers for my kids - on for each son. Should be done by middle of the week. Otherwise, stuff around the house and time with the family.

Tyler Howell
09-11-2007, 5:54 PM
Spent the weekend at the new place with Dr. #1 child and her beau. Site seeing, talk, getting caught up. She has very good fashion sense she made some insightful suggestions for the remuttle project.

Off on business Sun night. brings me to my first chance to wade in.
On this special day as we think about how our lives have changed forever, I'm reminded of special times. I'm in La Crosse WI. on business for a few days and I can't help but think about the creeker gathering here. http://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=35196 (http://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=35196)I stopped in at Piggies for dinner and the place just wasn't the same with out the creeker bunch. As 9-11 changed our lives, so has the good people at SMC.
Thanks, I'm honored to know you.

Tyler Live Like You Mean It!