View Full Version : First double celtic knot

Michael Graning
09-05-2007, 5:34 PM
Here is my first double celtic knot pen and the second pen after my accident with my table saw which severed my thumb 7 weeks ago. Still have the 2 pins in which I hope will come out Friday. It looks good considering the reattachment process. Any comments on the pens are welcomed.

Thank you
Mike Graning

Bernie Weishapl
09-05-2007, 5:37 PM
Michael those are beauties. I have to try doing that to a couple of pens. Very well done. Hope your thumb is coming along. Hope things work out.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-05-2007, 6:31 PM
Mike..........I wish I could turn pens that beautiful! Extraordinarily fine!

Jim Becker
09-05-2007, 7:58 PM
That's a beauty, Mike! And I'm glad your hand is getting back in shape, too...

Shane Sura
09-05-2007, 8:58 PM
Great looking pen way to go especially with the injury.
Quick question. How did you hurt yourself? I am only asking so we can all learn and hopefully not have the same happen.

Ernie Nyvall
09-05-2007, 9:57 PM
Great looking pen Michael.

Michael Graning
09-05-2007, 10:09 PM
I was cutting some 6x6 blanks and sliding them across the saw and slid one too quick and caught the back of the blade and brought my ring finger on my right hand into the blade cutting the nail off and then I guess jerking my hand back and down into the blade cutting the inside of my thumb all the way through except for about an 1/8" which held it on. The amazing thing there was no pain or blood from either finger or thumb for about 10 minutes. the thumb never bled until I got to the hospital. I was lucky that is all that happened,it could have been a lot worse. I see this as nothing more than an accident,no different than breaking your wrist. If you do something long enough no matter how careful you are i believe accidents will happen. Everything is healing nicely,and the only thing that is lost is the movement of my fist joint because they had to fuse it. Can't wait to get back into the swing of things here in the next couple of weeks.


Curt Fuller
09-05-2007, 10:20 PM
That's a beautiful pen! But that saw story made me hurt just reading it. If you don't already have one, I strongly suggest a good bandsaw for cutting turning blanks. And I'm glad your thumb is healing well.

jeremy levine
09-06-2007, 9:35 AM
Nice pens, but really nice to hear the accident was not worse.

Grant Wilkinson
09-06-2007, 9:36 AM
That's a beautiful pen, Michael. Having just finished my first celtic, I know how hard it was with two good thumbs.

I hope you are well on the road to a full healing.

09-06-2007, 10:48 AM
uhhhhhh my finger is hurting just thinking about the saw blad knicking me. OUCH!!! Sorry for your...... uhhhh loss???

Great looking pen and I hope to see more. Good job.

Jon Lanier
09-06-2007, 7:16 PM
That is really nice. I'd be tempted to buy that at a show.:)