View Full Version : Greene & Greene tables

Michael Handrinos
09-02-2007, 11:01 PM
I really like the G&G style and have been wanting to tackle something of theirs for awhile now. I was on Darrell Pearts site and he has a link to american furniture designs with plans for 3 G&G pieces.

My question is this. Do you think I could use the end table plan for some of the measurements for the coffee table in the back of his book? Or purchase the plan, drop the height and elongate the top,stretchers etc.

Do you think this would work? If so I'd like to build two end tables and the coffee table. I think it would be a great addition to the afore mentioned site to have plans for a full living room set.

Any help is much appreciated


lowell holmes
09-03-2007, 9:39 AM
I have the book. I would be comfortable with either approach. If the plans are moderately priced, I would probably buy them even though I normally depart from somebody's plans.
You are going to spend considerable money for the wood. The plans would probably be the least expensive part of the project. He might save you from mis-cutting wood, which is painful for me.

Don Bullock
09-03-2007, 10:03 AM
Michael, thanks for pointing out the link to his plans. I'm in the planning stage for an end table based on Greene & Greene style and was using Darrell's design in his book as a starting point. I didn't realize that there was a published plan for it.

As for your question, I think, depending on your skills, one can easily modify any of Darrell's designs and make them your own. He even encourages that in his book. Elongating the end table plan shortening the legs would work for a coffee table. Another possibility is modifying the desk plan. It's similar to one of the sofa tables in Darrell's book. I personally like the long arch under the drawers for such a long expanse rather than the squared off look of the end table.